Merkle Tree C++ implementation


The build system is based on cmake, version at least 3.1; so you need to install that on your system

To build on Linux:

$ git clone --recursive
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../merkle-tree
$ make
$ make doc
$ make test


To build a Merkle Tree, you need to pass it a list (actually a deque) of hashes (also called elements in this implementation). You can use the static function MerkleTree::hash() to compute hashes of any buffer of bytes.

You can choose to have the Merkle Tree in the order you specified (when the preserveOrder constructor argument is set to true), or to have the elements sorted and duplicates removed (when the preserveOrder constructor argument is set to false).

After that, you can get a proof for any elements that has been used to build the Merkle Tree using getProof() or getProofOrdered() (the latter should be used when the tree has been built with preserveOrder set to true).

A proof can be checked using the static functions MerkleTree::checkProof() and MerkleTree::checkProofOrdered() (again, the latter should be used when the tree has been built with preserveOrder set to true).

Please refer to the doxygen-generated documentation for more details, or the test/test-merkle-tree.cpp test file for examples.


Merkle tree source code ported from merkle-tree-solidity.

I tried to keep to original names wherever possible.

Blake2b implementation from BLAKE2 reference code.

This code is license according to any working combination of the above.