Ansible dynamic inventory plugin for Hetzner dedicated servers
This is an Ansible dynamic inventory plugin for Hetzner's bare metal dedicated server offering. It utilizes the Robot webservice API at
This plugin complements the hcloud inventory plugin and the related hcloud modules for Hetzner cloud servers.
Simply put the Python script into one of the default locations
or into a subdir with the name inventory_plugins
next to your playbooks.
will usually be able to pick up the plugin automatically,
however, commands like ansible-inventory
and ansible-doc
might require
an additional entry in ansible.cfg
to find it:
inventory_plugins = ./inventory_plugins
To check if the plugin is picked up (and to show it's documentation):
$ ansible-doc -t inventory hrobot
Using the plugin requires a YAML configuration file with a name that ends
with hrobot.yaml
or hrobot.yml
, e.g.:
plugin: hrobot
# Credentials can alternatively be provided in `HETZNER_ROBOT_USER` and
# `HETZNER_ROBOT_PASSWORD` via the environment.
api_user: "<your API user"
api_password: "<your API PW>"
proxy_hosts: inventory_hostname.startswith("proxy")
staging_hosts: inventory_hostname is regex(".*\.staging\.example\.com")
- key: product | lower
prefix: type
- key: dc
separator: ""
The following will then print out the whole inventory in JSON format:
$ ansible-inventory -i demo.hrobot.yaml --list
Constructing groups
From the raw inventory data of the API you can construct additional host groups as in the example config above:
based on Jinja2 conditionals, e.g. regexes.keyed_groups
based on host variables provided by the API.
Specifying any additional groups is optional; all host attributes returned by the Robot API also end up as hostvars. Here is an example what variables we get for each host:
"": {
"ansible_ssh_user": "root",
"cancelled": false,
"dc": "FSN1-DC8",
"flatrate": true,
"jobdir": "/tmp",
"paid_until": "2099-12-31",
"product": "EX41S-SSD",
"server_ip": "",
"server_number": 987654,
"status": "ready",
"throttled": false,
"traffic": "unlimited"
For more details see the "constructed" inventory plugin.
For added security credentials in the config file can be encrypted via
, e.g.:
plugin: hrobot
api_user: "<your API user>"
api_password: !vault |
To print the inventory or to run playbooks you then have to prompt for the vault key:
$ ansible-inventory -i demo.hrobot.yaml --list --vault-id demo@prompt
To reduce the number of API requests the plugin is able to locally cache
inventory data. This first requires some general configuration in
# Which cache plugin to use.
# Where to store cached data.
# Lifetime of cached data (default 3600).
After that actual caching can be enabled on a per-inventory basis in the respective YAML file, e.g.:
plugin: hrobot
cache: True
api_user: ...
# [...]
For more details and a list of available cache plugins see the related Ansible documentation.
- Inventory plugins, Ansible documentation.
- Developing dynamic inventory, Ansible documentation.
- Adding modules and plugins locally, Ansible documentation.
- Using Jinja2 to construct vars and groups, Ansible documentation.
- Cache plugins, Ansible documentation.
- Managing Meaningful Inventories, AnsibleFest2019, slides (PDF)
- Ansible Custom Inventory Plugin - a hands-on, quick start guide, blog post.
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later. This follows the general licensing of the Ansible project.