This repository contains the web services protocols WS-Coordination and WS-Transaction implemented in my course competition assignment, which theme is "web services and atomic transactions in distributed systems".
- Rails version: 4.2.5
- Ruby version: 2.2.1
For more information, please read my monograph.
Four systems were implemented to simulate WS-Coordination and WS-Transaction protocols:
- Bank: every holder can have an account and many cards related to it. It has a web service used by the store to buy products through a card.
- Provider: provides products to the store through a web service.
- Store: sell products from multiple providers using their web services. Users can buy these products through a registered bank card.
- Coordinator: coordinator entity defined by WS-Coordinator and WS-Transaction. It implements both protocols, including completion and two-phase commit for WS-Transaction.
There are three scripts avaiable in the root of this project:
- run bundle install and create sqlite3 databases for all systems.
- start all systems - store (port 3000), provider (port 3001), bank (port 3002) and coordinator (port 3003).
- delete all databases. After running this, is necessary to create all databases again.
Some important gems used in this project:
WashOut: creates a SOAP service provider.
Savon: SOAP client.
Materialize: front-end framework used by the store and coordinator.
Implement a SOAP client and server gem that supports WS-Coordination and WS-Transaction. Consequently it's necessary to implement a recovery algorithm that reads the transaction log and puts the system in a consistent state.