Enext WPP - Frontend

📄 About The Project

This project aims to call a public API fetching different dog's breeds.

The user can select one breed and choose a photo from options on screen. Then, one can give a name to the selected dog, choose the font type and select a font color.

After saved, the info persists even when the page is reloaded.

Dog API: https://dog.ceo/dog-api/

Deployed Link: https://enextwpp-test.netlify.app

Built With:

📦 Getting Started


  1. Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/fabriciopolato/enext-wpp-desafio
  1. Install packages and run the app:
yarn start
  1. Make sure the following ports are available:
PORTS: 3000.
  1. Access the application through the following link after doing the steps 1 - 3:

💡 Features and future improvements

  • Select breeds
  • Input to type dog's name
  • Select font type
  • Select font color
  • A text will show up on the selected photo
  • When saved, data will persist on localStorage
  • When data is saved, button changes color and text
  • Data persists even after the page is reloaded

📫 Contact

Fabricio Polato - email - linkedin