This simple adapter allows to relocate the pistorm to avoid problems with the a500 keyboard and be able to properly close the case.


This simple adapter allows to relocate the pistorm to avoid problems with the a500 keyboard and be able to properly close the case. It has been designed specially to use with the PISTORM board (Claude's Schwarz design).

This board distribution is based on my A500 Clockport adapter and not based on someone's else design.


PCB information

2 layer board. Use your favorite pcb manufacturer to build this pcb using the gerbers available on the gerbers folder. Recommended PCB manufacturers: ALLPCB, JLCPCB and PCBWAY.


In order to build your relocator, you will need 2 female pins and two male to male pins. Also a 0805 22uf 16v smd capacitor. As for the pins, Here are the example references.

1x40 male to male pins.


1x40 male to female pins.



13-08-2021 - Fixed socket position again!. Final version release.

25-07-2021 - Fixed socket position.

07-06-2021 - Initial release.


This is a work in progress, more testing needs to be done, but it should work as is. I take no responsibiltiy for any damage to any equipment that results from the use of this board. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

If you like the project or want to support it, you can buy me a beer or a KO-FI :) ko-fi


ATTENTION: This is for eBay sellers: this project was made for the retro community and not for resale on eBay. So only retro hardware forums and individual people can build this project. IT'S NOT FOR EBAY SALE.

Shield: CC BY-SA 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

CC BY-SA 4.0