
When they have an environment monitored by security cameras where they need to determine if a person who is appearing in the image was already present in the video before or if it is their first appearance, it is called within the field of artificial intelligence research as re-identifying people. This problem is presented as a challenge among researchers since such images collected by security cameras can present various visual noises in addition to partial obstructions by people. Thus, inspired by the teaching of the Greek historian Herodotus, thinking about the past to understand the present and idealizing the future, this work is presented through metrics between FaceNet and MobileNetV2 when exposed to the WiseNet dataset facing the problem of re-identification, being that both networks had very close F-Measure performances and accuracy, however when compared to the inference time of the experiment and the training time, FaceNet shows its advantages, in which with these inferred data it hoped to have helped to contribute to future evolutions and improvements in the algorithms of the area.

Primary LanguagePython

Person Re-identification



  • Python == 3.6 (conda)
  • NVIDIA driver version: 460.x
  • NVIDIA CUDA version: 11.2
  • NVIDIA cuDNN version: 8.1.0

$ apt-get install ffmpeg

Recommended hardware

  • RAM size: >= 12 GB;
  • Hard disk free space: >= 50 GB;

Repository organization

├── data                        # Directory with the dataset
|   └── ground_truth            # Wisenet Ground Truth Files
|   └── output                  # Report tracking of person re-identification
|   └── wisenet_dataset         # Dataset
├── libs                        # External libs
|   └── facenet                 # https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet
├── notebooks                   # Notebooks codes
├── output                      # Results of metrics evaluation
├── scripts                     # Shell scripts for run project
├── src                         # Source code


The person re-identification project is composed of two face recognition neural networks, Facenet and Mobilnet. To run the project, you will need two different environments,

Base Environment

$ apt-get install ffmpeg

MobileNet Environment

$ conda create -n tcc-25 python=3.6 anaconda

$ conda activate tcc-25

$ conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit==11.2 -y

$ conda install -c anaconda cudnn -y

$ pip install -r requirements_mobilenet.txt

FaceNet Environment

$ conda create -n tcc-17 python=3.6 anaconda

$ conda activate tcc-17

$ conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit==9.0 -y

$ conda install -c anaconda cudnn -y

$ pip install -r requirements_facenet.txt


  1. Download Wisenet dataset, in official repository
    ├── data                        # Directory with the dataset
    |   └── wisenet_dataset         # Dataset
    |   |   └── video               # Directory with sets
    |   |   |   └── set_1           # Set 1
    |   |   |   └── set_2           # Set 2
    |   |   |   └── set_3           # Set 3  
    |   |   |   └── set_4           # Set 4
  1. Run the script that will convert all videos into frames and save only those that have a face detected by MTCNN. Or make download of images used in paper.

    $ cd scripts

    $ get_faces.sh

    ├── data                      # Directory with the dataset
    |   └── wisenet_dataset       # Dataset
    |   |   └── videos_frames   
    |   |   |   └── videio1_1     # Set 1 with camera 1       
    |   |   |   └── videio1_2     # Set 1 with camera 2            
    |   |   |   └── videio1_3     # Set 1 with camera 3            
    |   |   |   └── videio1_4     # Set 1 with camera 4                 
    |   |   |   └── videio1_5     # Set 1 with camera 5         

Noted: Use the FaceNet environment

  1. In directory data/wisenet_dataset/videos_frames, the human faces resulting from the get_faces.sh script will be saved, make the separation of the faces by user, being that unknown user will be called UNK. Or make download of images used in paper
    ├── data                      # Directory with the dataset
    |   └── wisenet_dataset       # Dataset
    |   |   └── database_frames   # Directory faces for trainig model
    |   |   |   └── ID1           # Faces of person 1
    |   |   |   └── ID2           # Faces of person 2
    |   |   |   └── ID3           # Faces of person 3
    |   |   |   └── UNK           # Faces of person unknown

Noted: Select only images from videos that will not be used in the experiment.

  1. Run notebook notebooks/train/train_mobilenet.ipynb for training mobileNet model, or download the models pre-trained e labels
    ├── models                      # Directory with the models
    |   └── mobilenet     
    |   |   └── assets   
    |   |   └── variables  
    |   |   └── keras_metada.pb  
    |   |   └── saved_model.pb  
    |   └── labels.txt

Noted: Use the MobileNet environment

  1. Download VGGFace2 pre-trained model trained by David Sandberg.
    ├── models                      # Directory with the models
    |   └── facenet     
    |   |   └── 20180402-114759.pb   
    |   |   └── model-20180402-114759.ckpt-275.data-00000-of-00001  
    |   |   └── model-20180402-114759.ckpt-275.index
    |   |   └── model-20180402-114759.meta
  1. Run notebook notebooks/train/train_facenet.ipynb for training FaceNet model, or download the models pre-trained.
    ├── models                      # Directory with the models
    |   └── facenet     
    |   |   └── 20180402-114759.pb   
    |   |   └── model-20180402-114759.ckpt-275.data-00000-of-00001  
    |   |   └── model-20180402-114759.ckpt-275.index
    |   |   └── model-20180402-114759.meta
    |   |   └── one_shot_classifier.pkl

Noted: Use the FaceNet environment

  1. Run the script that will do the person re-identification used MobileNet.

    $ cd scripts

    $ multi_mobilenet.sh number_of_set_videos

    Example: $ multi_mobilenet.sh 1

    ├── data                      
    |   └── output       
    |   |   └── set_1   
    |   |   |   └── tracking_predict_db_mobilenet.json

Noted: Use the MobileNet environment

  1. Run the script that will do the person re-identification used FaceNet.

    $ cd scripts

    $ multi_facenet.sh number_of_set_videos

    Example: $ multi_facenet.sh 1

    ├── data                      
    |   └── output       
    |   |   └── set_1   
    |   |   |   └── tracking_predict_db_facenet.json   

Noted: Use the FaceNet environment

  1. Execute metrics evaluate of MobileNet report tracking.

    $ cd scripts

    $ evaluate_mobilenet.sh number_of_set_videos

    Example: $ evaluate_mobilenet.sh 1

     ├── output                      
     |   └── set_1       
     |   |   └── mobilenet   
     |   |   |   └── metrics.csv   
> Noted: Use the MobileNet environment
  1. Execute metrics evaluate of FaceNet report tracking.

$ cd scripts

$ evaluate_facenet.sh number_of_set_videos

Example: $ evaluate_facenet.sh 1

    ├── output                      
    |   └── set_1       
    |   |   └── facenet   
    |   |   |   └── metrics.csv   

Noted: Use the MobileNet environment