This repository is the home of a very simple calculator that can be used on a website.
It comes with a test suite functionality and a build script that prepares the website for its deploy.
graph TD
S[Developer commits new code] -->|code change| A[Run test suite]
A -->|all tests pass| B[Build new release]
A -->|tests fail| F(abort pipeline)
B -->|build dist version| C[Release new version]
B -->|build fails| F
C -->|deploy to server| D[New version online]
C -->|deploy fails| F
It contains multiple steps that will will run after each other.
Make sure that the calculator is free of defect by verifying different assertions using an automated test suite.
Automatically build a new version of the calculator that is ready for distribution.
Deploy a newly built version to the server that hosts the calculator.
Contains the business logic for the calculator.
Right now, this is a simple function that adds two numbers and returns the sum.
Represents the test suite for the calculator.
Multiple assertions ensure that the calculator is free of defects.
Provides a user interface for the calculator in form of a website.
Builds a version of the calculator website that is ready for distribution and saves all necessary files in the ./dist
Defines the CI/CD pipeline of this repo in a GitHub actions compatible format.
To see the setup in action it might make sense to add another feature and/or fix a bug in the code.