
API to comment on public spending

Primary LanguageJavaScript


API to comment on public spending from Portal da TransparĂȘncia

Check out the documentation here

How to run the project locally

  • Install Node.js
  • Run npm -v to make sure npm (Node Package Manager) was installed with Node.js
  • Download the project
  • Run npm install in the project's folder to install dependencies
  • Set environment variables for MONGODB_LOGIN and MONGODB_PASSWORD
    • For testing purposes you can just use "test" and "test123" respectively
    • Or you can setup a database at mLab
      • Change the database url to match your database's in database.js
      • Create a database user from mLab
      • Add environment variables for the user's username and password
  • Run npm run dev in the project's folder to start the server
  • Access the server locally at localhost:3000