Backend for sample b2c e-commerce web app made using Spring Boot 2, JPA/Hibernate and PostgreSQL. Stripe is currently the only supported payment gateway.
(Get the swagger.json from the latest release. Copy the contents of swagger.json and paste them here to see all currently available operations.)
This application allows staff members (Users with Role Staff or Admin) to create Products (i.e. t-shirt) and Product Variants (i.e. blue t-shirt, white t-shirt). It's possible to upload a single Product Image for a Product (which is the image that customers see while browsing Products) and multiple Product Variant Images (images that the customer sees while they're on a specific Product's site).
Staff members can also do CRUD operations on Product Categories, Product Tags, Shipping Methods and Shipping Zones. A single Product may belong to at most one Product Category, but it can be associated with multiple Product Tags, thus allowing customers to filter products based on Product Category or Product Tag. A Product Category may also have multiple sub-categories, and those sub-categories may also themselves have sub-categories, and so on, to the desired level of nesting.
RBAC is used for authentication. Users with the Role Admin can do any operation. Staff is like Admin, but they cannot do any CRUD operations on Users. Customers can only browse Products and purchase Product Variants, and modify their own data (email, password, etc). Viewers are like Customers, but they can also view (but not modify) anything (including Orders).
The checkout process (purchase of Product Variants) can be done by either registered or anonymous Users. During Checkout, the customer must provide a shipping address and a Shipping Method (if at least one of the Products they are trying to purchase is not digital), billing address (which can be the same as the shipping address) and card details. The Checkout cannot be completed if the customer has not provided all required information.
If the Checkout is completed successfully, an Order is created. For any of the purchased Product Variants that belong to a non-digital Product, staff members can create an Order Fulfillment, which is essentially a package to be shipped containing some or all of the items in the Order. An Order Fulfillment can only contain products listed in the Order, and may not contain a higher quantity of a product than the quantity purchased by the customer. Once an Order Fulfillment has been shipped, it can be marked as completed and assigned a tracking number, and the status of the Order will automatically change accordingly. After all of an Order's Order Fulfillments have been completed, the status of the Order can be manually set to FULFILLED.
- For security reasons, card details are never sent to the application or stored on the database. They should be sent directly to Stripe from the frontend as explained in this article
- A new entity (i.e. Media) which represents all digital products that a User has purchased, and a way to retrieve (download) them
- All checkouts which have existed for more than 72 hours should be automatically cancelled
- In a production environment, a proper OAuth solution should be used instead of the custom JWT implementation (for dev purposes only)
- J2C_PROD_DB_URL (required): jdbc url for production db (ex: jdbc:postgresql://
- J2C_PROD_DB_USERNAME (required): production db user username (ex: j2c-user)
- J2C_PROD_DB_PASSWORD (required): production db user password (ex: j2c-user)
- J2C_DEV_DB_URL: jdbc url for development db
- J2C_DEV_DB_USERNAME: development db user username
- J2C_DEV_DB_PASSWORD: development db user password
- J2C_TEST_DB_URL: jdbc url for test db. Required for running tests
- J2C_TEST_DB_USERNAME: test db user username. Required for running tests
- J2C_TEST_DB_PASSWORD: test db user password. Required for running tests
- J2C_JWT_SECRET (required): secret to be used for signing JWT tokens
- J2C_STRIPE_LIVE_KEY (required): Stripe live key
- J2C_STRIPE_TEST_KEY: Stripe test key
- J2C_PROD_LOCAL_IMAGE_STORAGE_PATH (required): file system directory where product and category images should be stored
- J2C_TEST_LOCAL_IMAGE_STORAGE_PATH: file system directory where product and category images should be stored during testing. Required for running tests