
How to setup Heroku Buildpack for PHP in Nginx

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How to setup Heroku Buildpack for PHP with Nginx

This will set up a fresh WordPress install on Heroku with the newly released Heroku Buildpack for PHP.

  • nginx - Nginx for serving web content.
  • PHP - PHP-FPM for process management

Getting started

Use the Deploy to Heroku button, or use the old fashioned way described below.


Clone this repository into a new directory.

  1. Create your Heroku app.
  2. Create project in Heroku
  • Note: Change name-project-here for your name project
heroku apps:create name-project-here --stack cedar --buildpack https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php --region us
  1. Define your Global variables
heroku config:set SITE_TITLE=hola Mundo
  1. Deploy your site to Heroku.
git add .
git commit -am "Initial commit"
git push heroku master
  1. Finish
heroku open


└── public