
My CV in LaTeX

Primary LanguageTeX

Just another TeX CV

My CV in TeX taken from https://www.latextemplates.com/template/awesome-resume-cv which, in turn, is inspired by the famous Friggeri's CV (Thanks - https://www.latextemplates.com/template/friggeri-resume-cv)

All I did is to add a publication section which wasn't there when I got this nice template.

Getting started

You must have latex installed and in particular you need LuaLaTeX. There are loads of tutorials on where and how you can get LaTeX for your OS. I have written a script that, if you're on Ubuntu, will install everything that's needed to compile it. Just type in a command line (within the repo dir)

source install-dependencies.sh

will do. If you're on macOS:

  • go to http://www.tug.org/mactex/ or simply google "mactex" if this link no longer works
  • download and install the MacTeX package.

If you're on Windows, too bad, you should move to something else.

Running the test

First, run LuaLaTeX

lualatex cv.tex

Then run biber to compile the bibliography

biber cv

and then run

lualatex cv.tex
lualatex cv.tex