
Template project for TypeScript applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Template project for TypeScript applications

You can read more about this repo in this blogpost


  • install sass: npm install -g sass


  • This project uses: TypeScript, HTML, and SASS
  • Package manager: npm
  • Testing framework: Jest
  • Build-tool: Webpack
  • Server: webpack-dev-server
  • Linting: airbnb eslint config

build scripts

  • npm start will start a devserver and expose the app on localhost:8080
  • npm run test will run the unit tests
  • npm run lint will run the linter
  • npm run build will bundle the application for production

extra features

  • Will compile to ES6 javascript
  • ZERO production dependencies
  • Unit tests will NOT be included in the bundling
  • Contains partial browser CSS reset and included a font
  • contains a LOG.md file to keep notes

to rename:

  • project folder
  • readme
  • index.html <title> and <main>
  • package.json name

switch git repo:

More info: https://gist.github.com/niksumeiko/8972566

  1. create a new git repo
  2. git remote add new-origin git@github.com:user/repo.git
  3. git push --all new-origin
  4. git remote -v
  5. git remote rm origin
  6. git remote rename new-origin origin