
Edmunds.com Ruby API Wrapper

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Edmunds.com Ruby API Wrapper

Codeship Status for sovietaced/edmunds Code Climate Coverage Status Gem Version


Install the gem

gem install edmunds

Set your API key as a environment variable

export EDMUNDS_API_KEY=<api_key>


The module naming scheme of this gem is inline with how the API is documented.

require 'edmunds'
=> true
result = Edmunds::Vehicle::Specification::VinDecoding::Basic.find("JHMAP11461T005905")
=> #<Edmunds::Vehicle::Specification::VinDecoding::Basic:0x007faa2a0e4e40 @make="Honda", @model="S2000", @year=2001>
result = Edmunds::Vehicle::Specification::Style::StylesDetails.find("honda", "s2000", 2001)
 => #<Edmunds::Vehicle::Specification::Style::StylesDetails:0x007fbc719fd028 @count=1, @styles=[#<Edmunds::Vehicle::Specification::Style::Style:0x007fbc719fcf88 @id=100001280, @name="2dr Roadster (2.0L 4cyl 6M)", @trim="Base", @body="Convertible">]> 


Feel free to fork this repository and open a pull request. If you have any questions you can open an issue or contact me directly here.


Please see LICENSE at the top level of the repository.