
Some white are yellow or red flashing ?

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I use since few monthes this wonderful Adrilight and results are awesome, thank you for that.

Sometimes, for example here on github, adrilight displaying, bottom and left are ambilighted in yellow and up and left in white.
When a gamebooting or in movie appear an all white picture, same problem with some bottom/lef red flash blink.

On the "send random colors" function, works fine and when it is the red turn, flash/blink until the colors change and work again perfectly.

I first thank about a material problem but when i'm on desktop the "windows search" bar in taskbar is ambilighted in white, when i tried to move a "paint" all white and make it turn around the border of the screen, white ambilight follow nicely.

Anybody who have already experienced this ? Known problem or maybe i made a settings mistake, or else ?

Thanks for the help
All hail fabsenet ;)

I think you problem could be power related.

I built 4 versions of adrilight for family and friends. And last time something like this occured to me was due to a weak power source.

How many led do you have and how powerful is your power source to power up your led ?

In order to solve your problem I would :

  • try another Arduino
  • try another power supply unit
  • try other LEDs

I had issue like this with my first build, some colors were weird sometimes, not always.

Here are my math when I encountered the issue.
I'm running 12V ws2011 LED where I am right now.
One led 0.02 A multiplied by 186 = 3.72 A (
So 3.72 x 12 v = 44.64 W

See how much one of your led consumes and replace number accordingly and that might give you a hint.

the led strips make a white color by turning red, green and blue on. white is the most power hungry color. Every led chip needs 60mA as a maximum.

Either your power supply is still too small or you should connect VCC and GND on both sides of the led strip to your power supply. Do not connect the Data pin on the other side!

How many LEDs do you have? You have roughly 4 meters of strip which translates to roughly 400 LEDs. 400*60mA = 24000mA or 24A.

Your power supply should be big enough.

So the best guess from me is, should add more power cables. Either to the other end of the strip or somewhere in between. for example at one edge. The strip is so thin and it has to transport so many amps.... a real cable is better for this task!