
Scrapes the most recent 30 items from QatarLiving.com for a search term, and sends you an email with any new items it finds.

Primary LanguagePython


ql-watcher scrapes the most recent 30 items from QatarLiving.com for a search term, and sends you an email with any new items it finds.


Install dependencies using:

pip install -r requirements.txt



In order for ql-watcher to send you emails, you need to fill out a config file with your SMTP settings:

First, copy the existing config template:

cp config.yaml.tpl config.yaml

Then fill out the relevant SMTP settings. Here's an example for gmail:

  host: 'smtp.gmail.com'
  port: '465'
  username: 'example@gmail.com'
  password: 'examplepassword'
    - 'recepient@gmail.com'

Note that for using SMTP with gmail, you will need to create an app password and use this instead of your actual password.


Once config.yaml has been filled out, you are ready to run ql-watcher.

ql-watcher uses a file to keep track of items it has seen before. Let's perform an initial run to generate this file:

❯ python3 ql-watcher.py "nintendo"
30 new items found for "nintendo"!

This will fetch the most recent 30 items related to "nintendo" and send them to the recepients you have specified in config.yaml. Additionally, it will also save them to state-file.json.

Running it again immediately will tell you that it has found no new items (unless someone posted a new item in that small window!):

❯ python3 ql-watcher.py "nintendo"
No new items found for "nintendo"! Exiting...

Scheduling ql-watcher

ql-watcher isn't very useful if you have to keep running it manually every now and then.

Let's schedule it to run every hour using cron.

First, let's add an entry to your crontab for ql-watcher to run every hour. Open up the crontab using crontab -e and add the following line:

0 * * * * cd /<path-to-ql-watcher>/ql-watcher.py; python3 ql-watcher.py <search-term>

This will run the ql-watcher script on the 0th minute of every hour, every day. For more info on crontabs, check this guide.

Of course, the script won't run if your computer is shutdown or asleep when the cron job is triggered. For this reason, you should schedule ql-watcher on an external server if you want regular notifications.