"Add value to your next purchase" "Make every purchase count"
Check out the app here: UpShop App
An app that allows the user to search for businesses that reflect their values as well as contribute to the upShop community by adding/editing businesses.
The app has been built for smart phones. You can view the app by right clicking on the page and selecting 'Inspect'. Then toggle the device toolbar to a phone device.
To build an app that allows the user to search for businesses that reflect their values as well as contribute to the upShop community by adding/editing businesses.
As a user I want to...
- Be able to search for places by category and location
- Be able to identify what values the business adheres to
- Navigate easily between different features on the app
- Find out details about individual businesses
- Be able to submit a business
Tech stack
- Node
- Express
- Handlebars
- PostgreSQL
- Leaflet
- Sass
We used milestones (ooooh) 🤩
The code is here 🧐
Things we learnt:
- How to use Leaflet, Sass and Travis CI
- Passing data from hbs to front-end JS
- Geolocation
- Better, more specific error-handling (actually displaying a helpful page)
- User testing was incredibly useful