
An app to help users find places to shop that reflect their values. 😇 🛒

Primary LanguageJavaScript

upShop ⬆️


Join the chat at https://gitter.im/upShopChat/Lobby

"Add value to your next purchase" "Make every purchase count"

Check out the app here: UpShop App


An app that allows the user to search for businesses that reflect their values as well as contribute to the upShop community by adding/editing businesses.

To run the app

The app has been built for smart phones. You can view the app by right clicking on the page and selecting 'Inspect'. Then toggle the device toolbar to a phone device.

Team members

Lucy | Lex | Caroline | Nat

User Journey

Searching for a place:


Adding a place:




To build an app that allows the user to search for businesses that reflect their values as well as contribute to the upShop community by adding/editing businesses.


As a user I want to...

  • Be able to search for places by category and location
  • Be able to identify what values the business adheres to
  • Navigate easily between different features on the app
  • Find out details about individual businesses
  • Be able to submit a business



Design Sprint

Figma Design



Build Sprint

Tech stack

  • Node
  • Express
  • Handlebars
  • PostgreSQL
  • Leaflet
  • Sass

We used milestones (ooooh) 🤩
The code is here 🧐


Things we learnt:

  • How to use Leaflet, Sass and Travis CI
  • Passing data from hbs to front-end JS
  • Geolocation
  • Better, more specific error-handling (actually displaying a helpful page)
  • User testing was incredibly useful