Night Time Coders

Screenshot 2021-03-11 at 17 14 21

Screenshot 2021-03-11 at 19 01 23

Screenshot 2021-03-11 at 17 30 09

Choosing Agency Name

Night time Coders 🌑 💻

Design website

  • Using to draw layout. Pencil, pen and paper 🖋️
  • Implemented mobile design first then desktop
  • Use of toggle button to switch between light and dark mode within our nighttime theme
  • Created CSS variables and resued them throughout code
  • Implemented Accessibility features for screen readers and hearing impaired users
  • Implemented Accessibility tested by Lighthouse 100% 💯

Screenshot 2021-03-11 at 16 23 23

Assign each issue in pairs

Two by two #Noahs Ark 🚣 Clone the branch and work on issue. Then merge to main branch.

Barriers and Issues

  • Git Hub troubles yet again
  • Navigating around the Git Hub Project Board and locating it
  • 3 Merge conflicts but managed to successfully resolve them

Wins and Successes

  • Successfully posted our digital website on a publicly accessible domain name via Git Hub pages
  • Completed all the tasks set within the project 30 minutes before deadline
  • Made our website responsive for both mobile, tablet and desktop devices
  • Completed all the user stories and acceptance criteria
  • Ensuring website with accessible by gaining 100% on Lighthouse testing

Assign the Roles:

  • Facilitation: Chisha
  • Quality: Chun
  • Deployment: Rosie
  • User: Evgeny
Re-group 👪

Re-group from the pairs and share ideas and solutions