
Collection of your notes from research spikes throughout the course :books:


👋 Welcome to the repo for your research! ⚡

✨ Please upload the notes from your tech spikes here: ✨

Upload your notes in the folder corresponding to the current week. If there is no folder for your current week, you are the first one to upload a file and have honour of making it! 🎉

If your presentation was made using HackMD, you can copy and paste the markdown straight into the new file, otherwise drop a link for others to follow (Google Slides, Canva, etc)

How do I make a new folder?
  1. Click the Create new file button on top of the repo create file button

  2. Include the week number in the filepath on top of the new file (make sure to type week#/[your research topic].md)


  3. Click Commit changes at the bottom - no need to fill in any commit messages or wait for approval

What happens if I don't upload my research?

You will prompted on Slack for all eternity to do so

Be smart - upload on the day you write and present it!

be smart