Week 2 Project HTTP

Screenshot 2021-03-19 at 09 13 35

Facilitator: Rosie

Deployment: Evgeny

Quality: Chisha

User: Chun

Goal of this week's project

Build an app that queries 2 APIs that uses the results to update the DOM in a newly created website/ app

Timetable of absence from project work

Wed 3.00-4.00: Chisha Wed 4.00-5.00: Evgeny Thu 10.30-12.30: Chun Thu 11.30-12.30: Rosie Thu 11.00-11.30: Chisha

Core user stories

User stories we need to implement:

  • See an interesting mashup of different data (Query at least two APIs using fetch)
  • Input information to change the displayed result (Dynamic content generated with JS)
  • View the app on all of my devices (A responsive, mobile-first design; ensure your app is accessible to as many different users as possible)
  • Create readme (A clearly defined user journey, documented in your readme)

Stretch stories we wanted to also implement:

  • As an impatient user, I want to see some indication that data is loading
  • As a confused user, I want to be told when something goes wrong

Screenshot 2021-03-19 at 09 13 07

Screenshot 2021-03-19 at 09 13 22


  • Split into our pairs by themes
  • Add estimated velocity and actual velocity to our Kanban Project Storyboard
  • Start Design and workthrough Kanban Board of issues and user stories
E1 E2 E3 E5
A1 short A2 story A3 long A5 extra long
  • As a team we chose the APIs
    • Giphy
    • MediaWiki (Wikipedia)
    • Musixmatch

  • As a team we created the Project in Github, created the Kanban Project Board and assigned the relevant issues and assigned E1, E2, E3 or E5 labels

Team Design

  • Team design the app for our Week 2 Project 2

    • Make a logo
    • Create the form containing two required inputs before form can be submitted
    • Create search bar and button to submit
    • Type CSS, HTML and JS
    • Ensure APIs work with our websites to create mashup of different data
  • Figma layout

Barriers and Issues

  • Several chosen APIs did not work
  • Limited time due to busy schedules and absences
  • Had to go back to the drawing board and start all over again


  • Split into our pairs by themes again
  • Add estimated velocity and actual velocity to our Kanban Project Storyboard
  • Choose new APIs and redesign allover again