The official plugin from Meta. This repository is now officially maintained by Meta's engineering team. We welcome and encourage contributions from the community.
- achao
- AnirudhBhat
- anu-rock@Automattic
- Art3mk4
- bluepowderPortugal
- ChaseWisemanLos Angeles, CA
- danielwrobert@Automattic
- divydovy@Automattic
- druesome
- dzver
- eleaarFabernovel Technologies
- hayley-king
- hengsoheakPersonal
- iodicStuntCoders
- jhcloos
- kisflyingXiamen, China
- kmelsGuatemala, Guatemala
- lkraavConversion Ready
- mattyza@Automattic
- maxkozin
- melekPortland, OR
- morpheuzFacebook
- Mxchael
- octaedro@Automattic
- pehaaParis, France
- pottedmeatDes Moines, IA
- prnvrnaAutomattic
- ralucaStan@Automattic
- retrofoxAutomattic
- seanbelly@automattic
- sjobeBay Area, California
- stuartduff@Automattic @woocommerce
- sushmaad
- thilinahBerlin, Germany
- wpniall@automattic
- yscik@Automattic