
2023.10.23.00: CMake Error: The inter-target dependency graph contains the following strongly connected component (cycle)

yurivict opened this issue · 0 comments

Build fails:

CMake Error: The inter-target dependency graph contains the following strongly connected component (cycle):
  "transport" of type SHARED_LIBRARY
    depends on "rpcmetadata" (weak)
    depends on "thriftprotocol" (weak)
    depends on "async" (weak)
    depends on "rpcmetadata" (strong)
  "async" of type SHARED_LIBRARY
    depends on "transport" (weak)
    depends on "rpcmetadata" (weak)
    depends on "thriftprotocol" (weak)
  "rpcmetadata" of type SHARED_LIBRARY
    depends on "thriftprotocol" (weak)
    depends on "async" (weak)
    depends on "transport" (weak)
  "thriftprotocol" of type SHARED_LIBRARY
    depends on "async" (weak)
    depends on "transport" (weak)
    depends on "rpcmetadata" (weak)
At least one of these targets is not a STATIC_LIBRARY.  Cyclic dependencies are allowed only among static libraries.
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.

FreeBSD 13.2