- 2
Add examples in all supported languages
#583 opened by PhilipMetzger - 1
HTTP2 support for thrift go client
#537 opened by wenhaocs - 0
Serialized request payload size
#629 opened by sihanwang41 - 2
OSS builds fail after annotation bundling change
#627 opened by sin-ack - 0
How to run tests?
#628 opened by sin-ack - 1
ProtocolBench Build Rules
#620 opened by lukalt - 6
go lib bugs for concurrent server
#570 opened by lee-qiu - 2
Build fails on arm64: error: static assertion failed due to requirement 'is_supported_integral_type<char>'
#623 opened by yurivict - 0
- 1
use thrfit1 to compile thrift/lib/thrift/metadata.thrift generate different content sometimes
#621 opened by xiedeacc - 1
build failed on windows10
#619 opened by xiedeacc - 0
Build fails with macOS 15 / Apple clang 16 beta
#618 opened by fxcoudert - 1
- 1
- 0
a lot of CLOSE_WAIT in fbthrift server,How to fix it
#610 opened by cankhn - 10
how to use tokio::spawn in rust client?
#598 opened by sternezsl - 1
Benchmarking tool for fbthrift
#600 opened by LizYou - 1
clang18 + libc++abi unittest failure
#607 opened by sternezsl - 1
fizz integration: no matching constructor for initialization of 'wangle::FizzAcceptorHandshakeHelper'
#556 opened by donsbot - 1
- 2
- 0
2023.10.23.00: CMake Error: The inter-target dependency graph contains the following strongly connected component (cycle)
#582 opened by yurivict - 2
thrift crash problem
#578 opened by lee-qiu - 0
Async client memory leak
#574 opened by bale-john - 1
options of mstch_cpp2 (cpp2)
#507 opened by daleiz - 1
fatal error: thrift/lib/thrift/gen-cpp2/protocol_types.h: No such file or directory
#565 opened by xiedeacc - 0
- 0
Configure fails: The dependency target "mvfst::mvfst_server_async_tran" of target "thriftcpp2" does not exist
#561 opened by yurivict - 0
build failed with on Mac OS 13.4
#557 opened by faithk7 - 1
2023.05.01.00: The library libcompiler_base changed type from shared to static
#551 opened by yurivict - 1
No sudo on Mac
#545 opened by elharo - 2
build error fmt format
#549 opened by restlesswind - 0
- 0
Compact protocol map specification bug
#542 opened by terrelln - 0
Expand contributing instructions
#541 opened by elharo - 2
Does Thrift really work on L7 with `HTTP2RoutingHandler` and `HTTPClientChannel`
#535 opened by wenhaocs - 1
- 4
thrift go client usage
#522 opened by lee-qiu - 1
CPP: Reference enum from another generated header
#532 opened by klausneda - 0
- 2
Compact protocol specification off-by-one error
#531 opened by terrelln - 3
ThriftLibrary.cmake is invalid
#526 opened by CJCombrink - 4
libssl-dev needed for Debian build
#525 opened by CJCombrink - 1
error: use of undeclared identifier 'errno'
#520 opened by yurivict - 7
feature-request: compile-time name to id function
#518 opened by alex-700 - 2
Build failure: no member named 'token' in 'apache::thrift::compiler::yy::parser::symbol_type'
#514 opened by simonmar - 1
error: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'std::basic_ifstream<char>'
#512 opened by yurivict - 2
thrift1: undefined symbol: _ZN6apache6thrift8compiler14parsing_driverC1ERNS1_14source_managerERNS1_18diagnostic_contextENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEENS1_14parsing_paramsE
#510 opened by donsbot - 8
- 0
python asyncio oneway method
#505 opened by echo-lg