
Barriers between compute calls

geor-kasapidi opened this issue · 5 comments

As far as i know, to ensure same memory read write order, user need to insert barrier call between compute dispatches. But i don't see any sign of high level barrier calls in IGL for buffers. This is intentional or kinda bug?

Hey @geor-kasapidi!

You're correct, the compute pipeline interface is currently in the early stages of development. Moving forward, we'll incorporate a more robust system for handling dependencies.

As a hotfix, I can recommend downcasting command encoders and buffers to their IGL/Vulkan implementation types (vulkan::ComputeCommandEncoder and vulkan::Buffer) and inserting all the necessary barriers manually using appropriate raw Vulkan commands.

ok, thx!

wow, this is huge - thank you!

@geor-kasapidi You're welcome! Don't hesitate to submit proposals or PRs if you think there's anything else that is missing.