- 2
【Metal】MTLBuffer was not properly released
#179 opened by vinsentli - 1
Android demo crash : No implementation found for boolean
#182 opened by vinsentli - 0
Feature: Add Vulkan graphics option using OpenXR create instance and device calls.
#185 opened by jzulauf-lunarg - 3
Issues when compiling
#178 opened by 0xfadead - 6
XR_ERROR_RUNTIME_FAILURE: "Simultaneous hands and controllers cannot be enabled while Body API is active"
#117 opened by BattleAxeVR - 1
Monado Android enumerates XR_EXT_HAND_TRACKING_EXTENSION_NAME but xrCreateHandTrackerEXT fails.
#156 opened by BattleAxeVR - 7
`useSinglePassStereo =` set to `true` and `false` create different and incorrect output on Simulated HMD Windows Monado
#175 opened by jzulauf-lunarg - 1
Vision Pro support?
#170 opened by munrocket - 5
vulkan screen rotation
#149 opened by vinsentli - 8
- 16
The latest Vulkan demo crash
#159 opened by vinsentli - 3
Which platforms does TinyMeshSession demo support?
#162 opened by vinsentli - 4
Crash In VulkanContext::processDeferredTasks()
#154 opened by vinsentli - 2
unused variable
#151 opened by maddin200 - 5
[Vulkan] CommandBuffer::popDebugGroupLabel() Crash after CommandBuffer::waitUntilCompleted()
#143 opened by vinsentli - 2
The input parameter requirements of API [Framebuffer::copyBytesColorAttachment] are inconsistent on different backend !
#120 opened by vinsentli - 4
- 2
- 3
- 6
mobile/XrApp.cpp and desktop/XrApp.cpp are largely redundant and should be combined into a single /src/XrApp
#94 opened by BattleAxeVR - 1
- 12
- 2
Does DeviceFeatureLimits::BufferAlignment mean GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT?
#109 opened by vinsentli - 1
- 3
Why Vulkan demo color is diffrent from opengl?
#107 opened by vinsentli - 2
- 1
- 1
RenderPipelineDesc::shaderStages is shared_ptr, IDevice::createShaderStages returns unique_ptr
#106 opened by tksuoran - 1
- 1
Why does not use UniformBlocks in your openGL demo ? Is it not support in openGL ?
#99 opened by vinsentli - 7
- 2
Oculus Touch controller bindings
#92 opened by BattleAxeVR - 5
Will support for 【Fence, Event, Memory Barrier, MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder】 be available in the future?
#89 opened by vinsentli - 1
- 9
Build issues on Android / OpenXR, runtime assert, and GL ES support on Quest.
#83 opened by BattleAxeVR - 8
IGLU submodule compiled with Emscripten (WASM)
#65 opened by kalwalt - 1
When will “Multi-threading API” be supported?
#82 opened by vinsentli - 5
Barriers between compute calls
#60 opened by geor-kasapidi - 6
Node.js deprecation warning in github action
#71 opened by kalwalt - 4
- 4
github action for WASM compilation
#67 opened by kalwalt - 7
Issue compiling WebAssembly
#57 opened by kalwalt - 5
Compile Error : Definition of implicit copy constructor for 'vbool' is deprecated
#53 opened by Zheap - 2
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Can I do persistently mapped buffers?
#51 opened by tksuoran - 2
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BufferAPIHintBits questions
#50 opened by tksuoran - 2
'VMA_STATIC_VULKAN_FUNCTIONS' previously declared on the command line (VulkanHelpers.c)
#47 opened by tksuoran - 3
Feature request: Enable resource debug labels
#48 opened by tksuoran - 2
How to align buffer?
#46 opened by tksuoran