Will support for 【Fence, Event, Memory Barrier, MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder】 be available in the future?
vinsentli opened this issue · 5 comments
vinsentli commented
Will support for 【Fence, Event, Memory Barrier, MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder】 be available in the future?
mriegger commented
Hi, unfortunately there are no immediate plans for implementing these. IGL at present doesn't support multi-threaded command buffer generation.
vinsentli commented
what is the 【Provide a Multi-threading API.】 precise meaning in your roadmap ?
rudybear commented
We'd like to work on it, but not in the nearest future.
rudybear commented
Different kind of synchronization mechanisms actually can be exposed relatively soon. Full MT support is on our radar, but no immediate plans
vinsentli commented
Different kind of synchronization mechanisms actually can be exposed relatively soon. Full MT support is on our radar, but no immediate plans
Thank you for your response~