
IGLU submodule compiled with Emscripten (WASM)

kalwalt opened this issue · 8 comments

At the moment the IGLU submodule is not compiled to WebAssembly, but in theory it should be possible. As i know, the underlying libraries, imgui ktx and stb can be compiled with Emscripten. The IGLU submodule is necessary for the Tiny_MeshLarge example, so it would be a nice have.
I will report here my progresses and if it make sense i will send a PR.

With commit kalwalt@5a3274e i was able to build the IGLU lib with Emscripten (emsdk 3.1.26) and i have tested also the Tiny_MeshLarge example on Windows 11 and it worked fine, i have not a linux or Mac so i can not be sure if it will compile under other platforms... If i have time i will adapt the Tiny_MeshLarge example to WASM.

Thanks! Could you please make a PR with your fix? Then I can quickly do some internal testing.

Thanks! Could you please make a PR with your fix? Then I can quickly do some internal testing.

Yes of course, in this case we can see the response from github actions.

I created a new PR #66

@kalwalt Thank you for your contribution!

PR closed via dadbb2a.

@kalwalt Thank you for your contribution!

PR closed via dadbb2a.

Thank you! I will send another PR when i have the Tiny_MeshLarge and maybe another simple example with IGLU for wasm...

Disabled c33ac91

@corporateshark so sad for this... 🥲