- 2
PropTypes warnings not displaying in Next.js 14 App Router with React 18.3.1 and React Router DOM
#415 opened by zestlee1106 - 6
Upgrading `defaultProps` to use JavaScript default parameters shows isRequired errors
#413 opened by missalyss - 1
The requested module '/node_modules/prop-types/index.js?' does not provide an export named 'default'
#414 opened by nikhilpktcr - 1
- 1
Remove object-assign dependency
#408 opened by oliviertassinari - 6
Can't pass server component to PropTypes.node
#407 opened by Janpot - 2
TS compiler complains when PropTypes property is set externally from the component.propTypes
#406 opened by dominikj111 - 1
- 0
- 2
Update prop-types Version | Severity: high
#402 opened by ebulku - 6
The `prop-types` package import is not suddenly recognized when running jest
#399 opened by dominikj111 - 0
List transitive failures on failure of oneOfType
#398 opened by erikerikson - 6
Failed prop type: Converting circular structure to JSON when stringifying React jsx
#383 opened by gurkohli - 2
- 22
Allow react-is ^17 as dependency
#354 opened by alippai - 4
- 10
Potential isRequired bug in v15.8.0 and above
#376 opened by paulchan14 - 1
#389 opened by luisgcoss - 2
- 2
Conditional prop for value another prop
#384 opened by camila-fran-gp - 5
- 0
Accidental issue creation, apologies
#381 opened by zaccanoy - 1
- 2
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'checkPropTypes' as it is undefined.
#377 opened by code-masala - 1
_propTypes.default.shapeOf is not a function
#374 opened by abhishekdubey1 - 3
Update to @babel/preset-react7.10.1
#372 opened by AyoyimikaAjibade - 11
- 11
15.8.0: `checkPropTypes` sometimes throws: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'hasOwnProperty')
#369 opened by kaiyoma - 2
Latest version of prop-types is having vulenrability.Any idea that which safer version shall I switch to?
#362 opened by akanksha2306 - 1
Check Proptypes for a component
#341 opened by devmota - 10
Support JavaScript standard type ‘BigInt’
#355 opened by bignose-debian - 5
Document defaultProps in README
#343 opened by scott-ln - 5
- 6
Use of Hard-coded Password
#357 opened by rajeevdodda - 3
- 1
Is there a way to infer props from a component?
#353 opened by Harukisatoh - 6
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
#352 opened by utkarshchowdhary - 2
Getting error "undefined is not an object (evaluating '_react.PropTypes.array')"
#351 opened by kishanbharda - 3
Remove `process` shim
#323 opened by mnpenner - 1
Errror prop type `style` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `undefined`
#348 opened by nguyenvanquan7826 - 3
- 6
Add ability to override `isRequired`
#339 opened by dkreft - 3
'bool' should read 'boolean'
#337 opened by mikemaccana - 3
Clarify Usage of elementType
#334 opened by gbroques - 3
- 1
Create a language ?
#331 opened by hugomallet - 1
Error in optional prop-types check in typescript
#330 opened by ngoctuan001 - 3
- 4
Add support of `instanceOf` for functional components or create new `componentOf` check
#327 opened by bedrich-schindler - 1
Prop type for Date
#325 opened by nomanurrehman