
Improve scrollbar UI

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Feedback from PR #1112

On OS X, a horizontal scrollbar covers some of the scrolling lists (e.g. snapshot selector, breadcrumbs strip) in a way that makes them difficult to use. Maybe there's a better UI we can use for this?

The commits view is especially difficult to use because of this issue:


Yup, agreed. Not sure of a great alternative to this though given the limited space and the way scrollbars work. Open to suggestions.

+1 for the commits being blocked by the scrollbar. I don't know anything at all about developing for extensions, but I wonder if this is something that could be moved to a sidebar or a main panel? Which would allow it to be a little bigger?

v4 will fix this by removing that scrollbar entirely.

React DevTools has been rewritten and recently launched a new version 4 UI. The source code for this rewrite was done in a separate repository and now lives in the main React repo (github.com/facebook/react).

Because version 4 was a total rewrite, and all issues in this repository are related to the old version 3 of the extension, I am closing all issues in this repository. If you can still reproduce this issue, or believe this feature request is still relevant, please open a new issue in the React repo: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/new?labels=Component:%20Developer%20Tools