An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in the Chrome and Firefox Developer Tools.
- 6
Work with styled-components and Emotion authors/maintainers to get rid of <Context.Consumer>s
#1355 opened by corysimmons - 4
Wish for improvement. Element changes monitoring.
#1366 opened by Fi1osof - 4
Render twice using hook component
#1333 opened by musicq - 2
How to display a label from useState hook
#1334 opened by togakangaroo - 1
Prevent Hooks to be closed when they change
#1335 opened by afucher - 2
- 1
Mistake in execute "npm run build extension:chrome"
#1337 opened by randoudou - 1
Column width keeps resetting every refresh
#1338 opened by Svish - 1
react-devtools still has PATENTS file
#1342 opened by jwhitley - 2
- 1
Doesn't work when installed with pnpm
#1351 opened by aleclarson - 3
App crashes upon the automatic attempt to inspect hooks on a Fiber with tag of type ClassComponent
#1352 opened by shirakaba - 1
- 2
Highlight updates issue redux
#1354 opened by BartlomiejLewandowski - 1
Icon in firefox looks out of place
#1356 opened by domoritz - 1
open style / unfold style by default
#1357 opened by craigcosmo - 1
React Dev Tools for Safari
#1358 opened by AroraShreshth - 3
- 3
Extension server error: Inspector protocol error: Object reference chain is too long
#1360 opened by waldi - 1
Component tree does not show all props shown in sidebar
#1361 opened by wearhere - 1
- 2
profiler goes blank
#1365 opened by hosseinalipour - 1
Expand all elements using default browser hot keys
#1368 opened by aidandamerell - 4
Search input text colour
#1372 opened by valendea - 1
- 1
- 1
Is it unmaintainable?
#1373 opened by a-x- - 5
New Devtools: Where is Highlight Updates?
#1377 opened by k3flo - 5
New devtools is not compatible with React 0.14
#1376 opened by bikasv - 1
React Devtools - Component selection bug v4
#1379 opened by ovidiumihaibelciug - 2
Remove emoji from browser devtools tabs
#1380 opened by inoyakaigor - 2
New Devtools: Update props does not rerender component
#1381 opened by val-o - 1
Firefox Private Browser Support
#1383 opened by peterwiebe - 1
Show component file path
#1384 opened by Cretezy - 1
Long interaction names cannot be seen
#1385 opened by davidmccabe - 2
Getting maximum call stack exceeded on backend.js when rendering many elements.
#1386 opened by ryan-rushton - 3
- 4
[Chrome extension] Vivaldi crashes when opening dev tools
#1346 opened by Pumpuli - 1
React App not Functioning with Extension Enabled
#1374 opened by Fliktrax - 1
New Devtools Broken on Firefox 68.0.2, Windows 10
#1378 opened by DavidHanover - 3
Having the devtools extension enabled breaks Kibana
#1375 opened by ThiefMaster - 5
Security issues with React.Provider
#1370 opened by aaronplanell - 1
Can't install in Firefox
#1367 opened by guilhermemarconi - 2
Unable to install standalone package
#1345 opened by ahmedu007 - 2
React Devtools for hooks
#1364 opened by prateek951 - 4
Upgraded to React 16.8. getting errors in React dev tools. TypeError: nt.setState.bind
#1344 opened by xinghengwang - 2
Profiler tab is not showing up in Chrome react dev tool
#1343 opened by zhr1130 - 3
- 2
- 0
React Developer tool miss behave.
#1348 opened by eralpkor