
How to display a label from useState hook

togakangaroo opened this issue · 2 comments

Picking up on this comment about how to get a nice semantic label displaying from a bit of state created by the useState function.

Currently, when we useState all you can see in devtools is something like this.

Just the non-semantic clabel "state"

Obviously that's not great but how to reliably show a label there given that the runtime doesn't necessarily have that context without introspecting over the function body itself (and even then its not perfect)

I have a few suggestions.

  1. Definitely the api should probably be changed to allow passing in a label as a second parameter to useState - make it optional but have the option
  2. At least show the invocation number if there's more than one useState in a render - so State[0] for the first usage of useState State[1] for the second, etc
  3. If the state is an object with a single key maybe consider that as the label? If I do setSomeBitOfState({ foo: someVal }) then by all means, let's have foo be immediately visible!
  4. This one is a stretch but let's say useState is called within a custom hook, then maybe when react devtools is running, the first time a given useState is called you can walk the callstack, grab the function name that contains useState and - if its not the render method - use that as the label?

Between the above 4 there should be enough there to cover 80% of cases, what do you think?

fanny commented

the community has created some initiatives in this direction, this comment may be useful for you

React DevTools has been rewritten and recently launched a new version 4 UI. The source code for this rewrite was done in a separate repository and now lives in the main React repo (github.com/facebook/react).

Because version 4 was a total rewrite, and all issues in this repository are related to the old version 3 of the extension, I am closing all issues in this repository. If you can still reproduce this issue, or believe this feature request is still relevant, please open a new issue in the React repo: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/new?labels=Component:%20Developer%20Tools