
Profiler tab is not showing up in Chrome react dev tool

zhr1130 opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Both my react and react-dom version is 16.8.3. My project isn't created by CRA but use webpack 4. I couldn't get profiler tab under Chrome react dev tool. Is there additional setting I need to make to webpack config ?

The "Profiler" tab will only show up if a profiling-capable version of React is detected, and profiling is only supported in the DEV (and profiling) bundles. Make sure you're not trying to use it in production mode. ๐Ÿ˜„

Closing this issue for now as that seems the likely cause. If I'm incorrect, please provide additional info about how to reproduce what you're seeing.

The "Profiler" tab will only show up if a profiling-capable version of React is detected, and profiling is only supported in the DEV (and profiling) bundles. Make sure you're not trying to use it in production mode. ๐Ÿ˜„

Closing this issue for now as that seems the likely cause. If I'm incorrect, please provide additional info about how to reproduce what you're seeing.

I am working on development mode only using webpack dev server in local but I am not getting show up that profiler tab section in react devtools I have "react": "^16.8.6", "react-dom": "^16.6.3",
I have installed react developer tools extension of the latest version.
Help me with this,
I can have even skype call also if someone wants to help me.