React Strict DOM (RSD) standardizes the development of styled React components for web and native.
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Update Expo SDK in example
#236 opened by necolas - 1
`react-strict-dom/babel` export missing
#240 opened by HorusGoul - 7
Update Expo SDK in example
#157 opened by necolas - 1
Version mismatch issue: Types have separate declarations of a private property '_opaque'
#151 opened by alitnk - 1
(feature) <mark> element
#229 opened by efoken - 4
css.props breaks pseudo class support
#234 opened by dgca - 2
In React Native, <html.button> does not support pointer events other than onClick
#233 opened by dgca - 1
- 0
CSS transition polyfill reads ref during render
#207 opened by necolas - 0
Add the React Compiler eslint plugin
#216 opened by necolas - 0
- 6
bug(React Native, TypeScript): Non-string `transform` property is disallowed as a type
#204 opened by tjzel - 0
(feature) EventTarget API on host elements
#37 opened by necolas - 1
npm run dev:web not working for example
#200 opened by dsm23 - 1
React strict dom doesn't work on expo web
#199 opened by hyochan - 8
- 0
(feature) CSS :active styles
#118 opened by efoken - 1
Fix support for Media Query syntax in StyleX shim
#51 opened by necolas - 0
CSS lineClamp disables text selection on Android
#136 opened by necolas - 2
Polyfill for env(safe-area-inset-*) would be great
#128 opened by efoken - 1
Rename label `for` prop to `htmlFor`
#119 opened by efoken - 0
Remove eslint-plugin
#89 opened by necolas - 5
Support for css.include for Native
#111 opened by efoken - 2
Partial polyfill of boxShadow for iOS
#115 opened by efoken - 0
(feature) CSS font-width
#104 opened by necolas - 1
Support :disabled pseudo-class
#112 opened by efoken - 1
CSS zIndex behavior on native with non-flexbox
#100 opened by necolas - 1
CSS flexbox properties missing on native
#102 opened by necolas - 0
- 0
- 0
Export element types
#88 opened by necolas - 5
Improved TypeScript types for `style`
#61 opened by zaydek - 0
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Flow type support for data-* props
#71 opened by necolas - 0
#66 opened by YouyuLisng - 0
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Allow inline styles in TypeScript
#62 opened by javascripter - 3
(feature) Event props on components
#38 opened by necolas - 1
WebPack Unable to resolve "@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault" from "src/index.js"
#55 opened by bayareaunicorn - 0
(feature) CSS overflow
#53 opened by ssj9685 - 1
(Question) What formatter do you use?
#54 opened by ssj9685 - 0
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Custom npm package using RSD
#49 opened by iketw - 0
(Bug) Test code failed on Windows.
#46 opened by ssj9685 - 3
(feature) <video> <audio> elements
#41 opened by saif-o99 - 3
Cannot run example project on Android emulator
#43 opened by dlpmmk