- 0
weird error when running test with jest
#1777 opened by sibelius - 12
[JavaScript] - `"node"` module resolution
#1760 opened by nyan-left - 4
- 0
JS bindings: Expose HadOverflow property
#1773 opened by ctensmeyer - 1
Support JS environments without code generation
#1772 opened by benjavicente - 0
- 0
min-height seems to product an incorrect size
#1769 opened by kasonyang - 3
[bug] `alignItems` not working
#1695 opened by trusktr - 1
- 2
- 8
Inconsistent text wrap behavior with flexbox
#1730 opened by kzlar - 2
Breakpoints not hit when debug in VSCode
#1735 opened by lihappy - 2
- 2
[JS] Using Yoga npm version 3.0.1 with Jest
#1688 opened by Omxjep3434 - 0
Add missing setDirtiedFunc function to Java binding
#1733 opened by webfolderio - 10
[Crash] - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
#1697 opened by varunajaygupta - 0
Non-spec behavior using alignItems: center
#1704 opened by Titozzz - 2
- 4
- 0
Using percentages for layout does not correctly display the required space when there is a gap???
#1691 opened by CtrlJone - 4
[c++] YGNodeCalculateLayout() is not working on iOS/iPad with any optimization -O1, O2, O3, OFast (because of finite-math-only)
#1679 opened by Wiksnet - 2
3.1.0 BUG: The change in the UILabel text affects the horizontal width calculation!!!
#1676 opened by CtrlJone - 0
YGNode zero size when combine flex-direction: column and flex-direction: row on a fifth block
#1685 opened by tripolskypetr - 4
- 3
Discrepancy between playground and C++
#1630 opened by caiovlp - 0
- 1
[c++]set the fex property 1 to the node with measueFunc , the node width will be 0
#1682 opened by yutoabc - 2
Child node size is wrong when layout is measured by parent
#1680 opened by hukpo - 1
YGNodeFree does not mark parent as dirty
#1659 opened by robbert-ef - 0
Measurement of absolute-positioned nodes
#1660 opened by Omxjep3434 - 0
- 1
flexBasis+flexShrink+borderWidth result in an wrong value
#1665 opened by XuweiQT - 2
- 3
- 4
[Yoga 3] Potential RTL paddingStart/paddingEnd bug
#1657 opened by Omxjep3434 - 1
- 5
Gap moves children views outside containing view
#1653 opened by Mookiies - 1
Support justifyItems and justifySelf
#1649 opened by necolas - 0
Incorrect computed height and top value with flex shrink 1 and specific floating point values
#1651 opened by bbohlender - 9
Top Level Await
#1637 opened by bbohlender - 6
Where is the operation interface?
#1633 opened by fengcunwu - 0
Where is the operation interface?
#1632 opened by fengcunwu - 4
- 1
Add Conan badge
#1625 opened by hedtke - 2
Add a CMake option to not build the tests
#1624 opened by hedtke - 3
- 2
The typescript definitions link in the standalone documentation is incorrect
#1577 opened by notchris - 3
Build of v3 with GCC11 fails
#1590 opened by hedtke - 3
Why can't we round node width/height directly in roundLayoutResultsToPixelGrid()?
#1574 opened by kennethpu - 3
__dirname is not defined in ES module scope
#1559 opened by wojtekmaj