- 0
LogDevice cluster start error --- NOSEQUENCER and sequencer:[invalid NodeID]
#218 opened by DerekSun96 - 12
Is this project no longer maintained?
#216 opened by daleiz - 0
#217 opened by giuthub - 3
The log range specified must be positive 62-bit with start smaller or equal than end of range, supplied range is 0..200000
#197 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 1
Run quickstart through docker image failed
#211 opened by 4eUeP - 4
- 4
Will sequencer become a bottleneck for large size record with high throughput
#202 opened by xuning97 - 1
- 0
Docker build fbthrift compilation thrift/lib/py3/test/gen-py3/testing/clients.cpp failed
#214 opened by xuning97 - 2
Conditional add question
#208 opened by mfateev - 2
Can not build on Ubuntu 18.04.4
#206 opened by thawk105 - 3
Can not build on Ubuntu 19.10
#198 opened by aliher1911 - 2
logdevice/build_tools/fedora.deps file doesn't exist
#194 opened by dmitris - 0
- 4
LogDevice build failing on Ubuntu bionic
#193 opened by Ahiknsr - 1
ModuleNotFoundError: No Module named 'libfb'
#192 opened by xuning97 - 1
- 1
Settings abort-on-failed-check, abort-on-failed-catch and external-loglevel don't correctly subscribe to settings update
#183 opened by tau0 - 0
Tests failed in master due to some folly singletons being used without calling folly init
#184 opened by yzhdanov - 3
- 0
- 5
Change references of legacy `storage_weight` to `storage_capacity` in old nodes config documentation
#174 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 5
- 4
Read data from LogDevice slow
#157 opened by jls502 - 5
Latest logdevice docker image is not starting up due to missing
#143 opened by vvutharkar - 1
- 0
Migrate LogDevice Website to Docusaurus 2 Alpha
#138 opened by shivangna - 1
- 2
commont_test failed
#131 opened by Krestol - 4
- 3
- 3
Сontainer stops working after some period of time
#120 opened by Krestol - 4
Logdeviced crashes while zookeeper node creation
#115 opened by Krestol - 9
LogDevice client API read slow than expected
#102 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 1
Is this memory phenomenon normal?
#113 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 1
ZookeeperClient crashes the daemon on startup
#109 opened by AhmedSoliman - 2
How “ findTime” works ?
#108 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 6
logdeviced: src/zookeeper.c:1994: deserialize_multi: Assertion `entry' failed. Caught coredump signal 6
#107 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 2
[ld:admin] NodeID.h:53] index() Check failed: isNodeID() Caught coredump signal 6
#106 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 5
Build failed if use logdevice as submodole
#105 opened by Krestol - 10
- 9
Lose records ?
#103 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 7
Is LogDevice Production ready?
#98 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 1
Build Failed with Dockerfile.ubuntu
#99 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 2
How to create/write/read a normal file ( like nginx.log ) to logdevice ?
#97 opened by zhengxiaochuan-3 - 1
Ubuntu Docker Build failed
#91 opened by monicsh - 5
Build failed on target rocksdb-prefix
#84 opened by monicsh - 0
- 4
Missing libzstd-dev dependency in ubuntu_deps
#80 opened by robfig - 3