A WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator.
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wda.WDARequestError: WDARequestError(status=13, value=+[XCAXClient_iOS sharedClient]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x102824130
#1132 opened by XiaoyuGuo123 - 2
Find elements calls and getPageSource() take too long, does not return elements on pages with many UI elements
#1131 opened by joshua-strickland - 0
- 0
Need api to adjust the volume level
#1133 opened by jmei08 - 0
Does not work in IOS 12.1
#1130 opened by rhyspang - 1
GET /window/size return unrecognized selector error
#1129 opened by EvanChen1989 - 0
Screen Scale 2 for iPhone 7 Plus(Physical Device)
#1128 opened by tahasamad - 0
issue with finding a long accessibility id element
#1127 opened by StepzGigz - 6
Cannot get screentshot in inspector. JS Error.
#1123 opened by zequnjiang - 1
WDAError: WDAError
#1126 opened by xiaoyaoamiao - 1
recv failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
#1096 opened by zjsjayce - 6
Showing All Messages :-1: An empty identity is not valid when signing a binary for the product type 'UI Testing Bundle'. (in target 'WebDriverAgentRunner')
#1107 opened by LiebeKrake - 22
- 1
WebDriverAgent build failed
#1124 opened by cindysongzi - 3
xcode10.2(10E125) has build error with :-1: Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_XCEventGenerator
#1105 opened by weibinfang - 2
Unexpected response ECONNREFUSED on when trying to run tests on iOS Simulator
#1098 opened by lucialuzuriaga - 1
- 1
Unable to setup WebdriverAgent
#1106 opened by raghumankali - 1
App Crashes in between while executing test cases
#1116 opened by ritesh2689 - 3
#1118 opened by bootstraponline - 0
cannot find element on iOS
#1122 opened by sagar-patil-mmt - 7
iOS 12 unrecognized selector
#1100 opened by ariesdevil - 6
test failed on Xcode 10.2
#1093 opened by dzjwan521 - 3
Could not find any available simulators for tvOS
#1113 opened by Johnny987 - 1
can not get react-native app UI element?
#1102 opened by NeowuqiLee - 1
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How can I change Http to WebSocket?
#1119 opened by leokaka1 - 0
xcode10.2(10E125) has build error with :-1: Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_XCEventGenerator
#1117 opened by lijinzhou2016 - 0
Device got disconnected
#1114 opened by DhivyaS19 - 1
device got disconnected
#1115 opened by DhivyaS19 - 1
'YYCache/YYCache.h' file not found
#1112 opened by Johnny987 - 0
How to detect wda connection status and establish automatic reconnection mechanism?
#1111 opened by FredaZhang338 - 4
Xcode-beta 12 Messaging unqualified id
#1089 opened by uniapp10 - 0
bootstrap.sh exits without fully executing
#1110 opened by jaitjacob - 0
xcodebuild test. error in xcode10
#1109 opened by scvjx - 0
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Can I add route for my custom
#1104 opened by MonkyQ - 3
which version of xcode is perfect for this ??
#1101 opened by yulinho - 0
How can we host the webDriverAgent in a custom ip?
#1103 opened by abhimuralidharan - 3
xcode 10.2 error:Failed to load the test bundle
#1090 opened by zeuskim - 1
- 0
Failed because Messaging unqualified id in Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125)
#1097 opened by wanghuajian620 - 0
Resource temporarily unavailable
#1095 opened by zjsjayce - 1
Type function not working on iOS
#1084 opened by JavonDavis - 0
com+u error
#1094 opened by QionglinFu1024 - 1
'Messaging unqualified id' in Xcode 10.2
#1091 opened by laitongxue000 - 19
Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: xxxxxxx" doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the get-task-allow entitlement.
#1087 opened by MarkSunPWC - 3
Testing failed: WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner.app (462) encountered an error (The test runner failed to initialize for UI testing. (Underlying error: Not authorized for performing UI testing actions.)) ** TEST FAILED **
#1088 opened by reshma-pradeep - 1
Provisionging profile doesn't incloude the application-identifier, get-task-allow and keychain-access-groups entitlements.
#1085 opened by Terryxxx