
A log parser for clusters

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


log parser for clusters

  • Remote access to logs via a single CLI
  • Multi-host summaries of log line frequencies
  • Multi-host realtime tailing (like tail -f)

Supported Log Formats

  • Syslog
  • Log4j
  • Java GC log

For details please see LOGLINE_RE_LIST in hblog/lib/SingleFileLogAccessor.py


Usage: hblog [OPTIONS]... [TIER...] [TIER:HOST...]

  Where TIER is one of:

  dfs-nn                     hbase-master-gc            mr-jt
  dfs-nn-gc                  hbase-regionservers        mr-jt-gc
  dfs-slaves                 hbase-regionservers-gc     mr-slaves
  dfs-slaves-gc              hbase-secondary            mr-slaves-gc
  dfs-sn                     hbase-secondary-gc         syslog
  dfs-sn-gc                  hbase-thrift
  hbase-master               hbase-zookeepers

hblog - a log paser for clusters

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         print extra information about the state of hblog
  -n, --nowrap          print characters only up to the width of your terminal

    Log lines are "fingerprinted", usually able to assign matching
    fingerprints to log lines that differ only by timestamp, specific host
    names, or other variables.

    --summary           host-vs-fingerprint frequency table (Default mode)
    -d, --details       print all matching log lines embellished with
                        hostnames and fingerprints
    -f, --follow        like --details but streaming, just like 'tail -f'

  Select time:
    If time selectors are not supplied, only the last one minute of logs
    will be processed.

    -s START, --start=START
                        process only lines after the time specified
                        in format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
    -e END, --end=END   process only lines up to the time specified
                        in format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
    -t TAIL, --tail=TAIL
                        process only the last X minutes of each log specified
                        as one of these formats ":sec", "min", "hour:min"
    -T TAIL_END, --tail-end=TAIL_END
                        process only up to the last X minutes of each log
                        specified as one of these formats ":sec", "min",

    -l LEVEL, --level=LEVEL
                        the log level to filter for (default level: WARN)
    -S SAMPLE, --sample=SAMPLE
                        sampling rate will be achieved by skipping log lines
                        (default: 1.0, read all lines)
    -p FP, --fp=FP      comma-separated list of fingerprints to include
    -P FP_EXCLUDE, --fp-exclude=FP_EXCLUDE
                        comma-separated list of fingerprints to exclude
    -r RE, --re=RE      comma-separated list of regex to include (case
    -R RE_EXCLUDE, --re-exclude=RE_EXCLUDE
                        comma-separated list of regex to exclude (case
    --local             To test hblog. Connect to localhost. Read logs from


$ hblog --level=INFO mycluster001-hbase-regionservers
---------------------------- To make these setting default run:
cat <<'EOF' > $HOME/.hblogrc
    "fp": "",
    "fp-exclude": "",
    "level": "WARN",
    "log-tiers": [
    "mode": "summary",
    "nowrap": true,
    "re": "",
    "re-exclude": "^\t",
    "sample": 1.0,
    "tail": null,
    "tail-end": null,
    "verbose": false
log-tiers:         hbase-regionservers
log-tiers-globs:   /var/log/hadoop/*-HBASE/hbase-hadoop-regionserver-[!g][!c]*
hosts-list-size:   115

type:              summary
start:             2013-10-17 12:34:22
end:               2013-10-17 12:35:22
duration:          0:01:00 hh:mm:ss

level:             WARN
sample:            1.0
fp:                []
fp-exclude:        []
re:                []
re-exclude:        ['^\t']
WARNING:root:Connect error on fd 10: ECONNREFUSED
WARN: HTTP error from hbase999, blacklisting host. Error was HTTP 599: Connection closed.
WARNING:root:Connect error on fd 11: ECONNREFUSED
WARN: HTTP error from hbase998, blacklisting host. Error was HTTP 599: Connection closed.
Fingerprint summary:
  count  fingerprint   level        text

   2898  822edf9       WARN   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.Store: Not in set org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreScanner@#
    392  aae50d9       WARN   org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient: Null blocks retrieved for : /## offset : #, len : #
    290  d2c8224       WARN   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLog: IPC Server handler # on # took # ms appending an edit to hlog;
                              editcount=#, len~=#.# KB
     90  4fcd95b       WARN   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLog: IPC Server handler # on # took # ms appending an edit to hlog;
                              editcount=#, len~=#.#
      3  a0e71c9       ERROR  org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer:
      1  e310f00       WARN   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLog: IPC Server handler # on # took # ms appending an edit to hlog;
                              editcount=#, len~=#.# MB
      1  b73e9eb       WARN   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HBaseServer: IPC Server handler # on #, call get( ... ) from <<IP>>:#: error: java
                              .io.IOEx#ption: Could not seek StoreFileScanner[HFileScanner for reader reader=hdfs:/##<<HOST>>:#/## compressi
                              on=lzo, cacheConf=CacheConfig:enabled [cacheDataOnRead=true] [cacheDataOnWrite=false] [cacheIndex#sOnWrite=fal
                              se] [cacheBloomsOnWrite=false] [cacheEvictOnClose=false] [cacheCompressed=false], firstKey=#:#@<<HOST>>/## las
                              tKey=#:#@<<HOST>>/##<<MID>>\x#\x#/## avgKeyLen=#, avgValueLen=#, entries=#, length=#, cur=null] to key #:#@<<H
      1  333fb44       WARN   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HBaseServer: IPC Server handler # on #, call get( ... ) from <<IP>>:#: error: java
                              .io.IOEx#ption: Could not seek StoreFileScanner[HFileScanner for reader reader=hdfs:/##<<HOST>>:#/## compressi
                              on=lzo, cacheConf=CacheConfig:enabled [cacheDataOnRead=true] [cacheDataOnWrite=false] [cacheIndex#sOnWrite=fal
                              se] [cacheBloomsOnWrite=false] [cacheEvictOnClose=false] [cacheCompressed=false], firstKey=#:#@<<HOST>>/## las
                              tKey=#:#@<<HOST>>/## avgKeyLen=#, avgValueLen=#, entries=#, length=#, cur=null] to key #:#@<<HOST>>/##=#
      1  03ebf69       WARN   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HBaseServer: IPC Server handler # on #, call get( ... ) from <<IP>>:#: error: java
                              .io.IOEx#ption: Could not seek StoreFileScanner[HFileScanner for reader reader=hdfs:/##<<HOST>>:#/## compressi
                              on=lzo, cacheConf=CacheConfig:enabled [cacheDataOnRead=true] [cacheDataOnWrite=false] [cacheIndex#sOnWrite=fal
                              se] [cacheBloomsOnWrite=false] [cacheEvictOnClose=false] [cacheCompressed=false], firstKey=#:#@<<HOST>>/##<<MI
                              D>><<MID>>\x#\x#/## lastKey=#:#@<<HOST>>/##<<MID>>\x#\x#/## avgKeyLen=#, avgValueLen=#, entries=#, length=#, c
                              ur=null] to key #:#@<<HOST>>/##=#
Host sumary:

                    822edf9   aae50d9    d2c8224    4fcd95b    a0e71c9    e310f00    b73e9eb    333fb44    03ebf69
  host001           35
  host002           40
  host003           16         16
  host004           58
  host005           25          9
  host006           15
  host007           14
  host008           49         20
  host009           47
  host010           42
  host011           13
  host012           11         21
  host013           29
  host014           65                                           1                                1
  host015           25
  host016           14          7
  host017                      14
  host018           36         13
  host019                       7
  host020           71
  host021           43
  host022           24
  host023           12         11
  host024           40          4
  host025           22
  host026           39
  host027           50
  host028           20          8
  host029           23
  host030           25
  host031           27
  host032           24
  host033           23
  host034            4
  host035           21
  host036           13         14
  host037           98                   233         71                     1
  host038           68
  host039           21          1
  host040           42         21
  host041           27
  host042           22
  host043           33
  host044           23
  host045            4
  host046           16         15
  host047           73
  host048           14
  host049           12
  host050           41
  host051           29          8
  host052           26
  host053           52
  host054           11
  host055           13
  host056           27
  host057           24
  host058           12
  host059           80          1
  host060            9
  host061           35
  host062           33         18
  host063           42          6
  host064           29
  host065           25
  host066           14
  host067           42
  host068           23
  host069            1          9
  host070           26
  host071           16
  host072           50                                           1                                           1
  host073                       4
  host074           25
  host075           28
  host076           19
  host077           23
  host078           47          5
  host079           31
  host080            3         20
  host081           17         19
  host082           24          5
  host083           33                                           1                     1
  host084           29
  host085           12
  host086           26         13
  host087           61
  host088           18
  host089           12
  host090           37
  host091           38
  host092           11          2
  host093           14          7         57         19
  host094           14
  host095           69
  host096            1         19
  host097           16
  host098           51         12
  host099                      21
  host100                      12
  host101           31         11
  host102           49
  host103           18         19
  host104           13

2013-10-17 12:35:26.776816 BLACKL01 WARN  - Blacklisted 2 hosts (of 115 in this session): set(['host998', 'host999']) - consider adding filters or lowering the sampling rate

Open source license

This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license



git clone https://github.com/facebook/hblog.git
cd hblog
git submodule init tornado/
git submodule update tornado/


cd hblog

./sbin/hblogd.py  # in a separate tab or in screen/tmux

export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)/bin"  # for list_hosts_of_tier.sh
./bin/hblog.py --local  --start '2011-03-27 12:48:18' nn
./bin/hblog.py --local  --start '2011-03-27 12:48:18' nn-gc
./bin/hblog.py --local  --start '2011-03-27 12:48:18' syslog