
Nevergrad error in robyn_run()

bart-vanvlerken opened this issue · 10 comments

Project Robyn

Describe issue

Robyn tells me Nevergrad is not installed, even though it should be as I've run the code before without issues (see screenshot).

I see that Robyn runs reticulate's py_module_available() under the hood to produce this error, which is basically reticulate's import() function with an error handler, so I ran this code manually which produced the following error:
Is it possible that this error is then caused by the use of a deprecated NumPy feature?

Environment & Robyn version

Robyn version: 3.11.0
R version: 4.4.0

I got the same issue as well, but 2 weeks back it was working fine for me as well. Any luck solving it ?

This error needs an update from the Nevergrad's side. I'll ping them and keep you updated.

cc @igorskokan

Seeing the same error. Tried to install an older version of nevergrad, still no luck.

Until the Nevergrad fix, see a workaround here


@gufengzhou I'm no longer getting the same error, but a new one:

Will this require an update on Robyn's end?

Have you updated /reinstalled nevergrad? If yes please also restart R and try.

After the above, If this still occurs, an user here has solved it by updating the R version. See #1006

Thanks Gufeng, that worked!

Would you please let me know if you needed to update R or not?
If yes, which R versions did you have before/after?

I did need to update, yes. I updated from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1