
Repository with supplementary material of the paper "Towards the prediction of perceived room acoustical similarity" published at AES AVAR 2022.


Towards the prediction of perceived room acoustical similarity


Supplementary material to the paper Towards the prediction of perceived room acoustical similarity published at AES AVAR 2022

Contents of this repository

  • Multichannel Room Impulse Responses (RIR) from the paper (sampling rate 192 kHz). These are measured with the RL-R Audio open array (7 channels, central microphone + 3 pairs, 10cm diameter) and can be rendered using the Binaural SDM repository.
  • Summary table of the room acoustical parameters of the RIRs used in the experiment. (upcoming)
  • Binaural RIRs (BRIR) for several head orientations rendered using Binaural SDM. (upcoming)
  • Example scripts to render the multichannel RIRs into BRIRs. (upcoming)

How to use the data

Paper citation

  title     =     {Towards the prediction of perceived room acoustical similarity},
  author    =     {Hannes Helmholz and Ishwarya Ananthabhotla and Paul Calamia and Sebastia V. Amengual Gari},
  booktitle =     {AES 2022 International Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality Conference},
  publisher =     {Audio Engineering Society},
  month     =     {08}
  year      =     {2022}


See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.


The data from AVAR_2022_RA_Similarity is CC-BY-NC-4.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.


Sebastia V. Amengual (samengual@fb.com)