
UncompletedJobError: Job 195 (task: 0) with path /home/sushantk/anaconda3/codeGen/data/test_dataset/log/195_0_result.pkl has not produced any output (state: FINISHED) No output/error stream produced ! Check: /home/sushantk/anaconda3/codeGen/data/test_dataset/log/195_0_log.out

sushantkumar007007 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to run the preprocessing.py file and getting this unknow error. Can you tell me how to resolve this.

run codegen_sources/preprocessing/preprocess.py data/test_dataset --mode obfuscation --langs python --mode obfuscation --train_splits 70 --job_mem 250 --tokenization_timeout 400 --bpe_timeout 220 --train_bpe_timeout 400 --bpe_mode fast --fastbpe_use_vocab False --fastbpe_vocab_path CodeGen/data/test_dataset --keep_comments False --fastbpe_code_path CodeGen/codegen_sources/model/tools/fastBPE --ncodes 40000 --percent_test_valid 20 `

UncompletedJobError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda3/codeGen/codegen_sources/preprocessing/preprocess.py in <module>()
    212     args.input_path = os.path.abspath(args.input_path)
    213     multiprocessing.set_start_method("fork")
--> 214     preprocess(args)

~/anaconda3/codeGen/codegen_sources/preprocessing/preprocess.py in preprocess(args)
     92     )
     93     dataset.extract_data_and_tokenize(
---> 94         executor=cluster_tokenization, local_parallelism=args.local_parallelism
     95     )

~/anaconda3/codeGen/codegen_sources/preprocessing/dataset_modes/dataset_mode.py in extract_data_and_tokenize(self, executor, local_parallelism)
    179         for job in jobs:
--> 180             job.result()
    182     def extract_from_json_and_tokenize(

~/anaconda3/envs/codeGen_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/submitit/core/core.py in result(self)
    265     def result(self) -> R:
--> 266         r = self.results()
    267         assert not self._sub_jobs, "You should use `results()` if your job has subtasks."
    268         return r[0]

~/anaconda3/envs/codeGen_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/submitit/core/core.py in results(self)
    287             return [tp.cast(R, sub_job.result()) for sub_job in self._sub_jobs]
--> 289         outcome, result = self._get_outcome_and_result()
    290         if outcome == "error":
    291             job_exception = self.exception()

~/anaconda3/envs/codeGen_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/submitit/core/core.py in _get_outcome_and_result(self)
    382             else:
    383                 message.append(f"No output/error stream produced ! Check: {self.paths.stdout}")
--> 384             raise utils.UncompletedJobError("\n".join(message))
    385         try:
    386             output: tp.Tuple[str, tp.Any] = utils.pickle_load(self.paths.result_pickle)

UncompletedJobError: Job 195 (task: 0) with path /home/sushantk/anaconda3/codeGen/data/test_dataset/log/195_0_result.pkl
has not produced any output (state: FINISHED)
No output/error stream produced ! Check: /home/sushantk/anaconda3/codeGen/data/test_dataset/log/195_0_log.out`

Are the logs (.out and .err) files empty? Are some .tok files generated or does it fail directly?
You may want to try using a local parallelism (--local_parallelism 4) in case it is failing due to memory issues.

By the way, it is not causing this issue but your path to the BPE codes is wrong. You should pass --fastbpe_code_path data/bpe/cpp-java-python/codes --fastbpe_vocab_path data/bpe/cpp-java-python/vocab