Reference implementation of code generation projects from Facebook AI Research. General toolkit to apply machine learning to code, from dataset creation to model training and evaluation. Comes with pretrained models.
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missing file requirements-notorch.txt
#104 opened by zehekaese - 0
Hash function
#108 opened by Sirkkouga - 0
Dataset issues
#107 opened by Sirkkouga - 0
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The lack of paralled dataset in Transcoder-IR
#106 opened by AssassinsAlex - 0
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Go and Rust models
#99 opened by hfeniser - 0
Parallel dataset generated by TransCoder-ST
#98 opened by yiqingxyq - 0
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typo in readme: donwload
#85 opened by milahu - 0
Training MLM with reload model as TransCoder_model_1 on csharp monolingual data generated from pre_processing
#90 opened by vedasreeb29 - 0
Untokenized version of transcoder_test_set.zip
#88 opened by mingzhu0527 - 0
Lang embeddings loading
#87 opened by voiteshonok - 3
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`fastBPE` fix path
#86 opened by nmd2k - 4
Assertion `srcIndex < srcSelectDimSize` failed
#79 opened by 11asdad - 0
Empty .sa.tok files after select_functions & request to release self_training dataset
#84 opened by PrithwishJana - 2
[Question]Making use of TreeSitterLangProcessor
#67 opened by ziwenyd - 0
Could you please build a website to support API to translate the program languages?
#83 opened by Bailey-24 - 0
Bug in epoch calculation
#82 opened by dineshkh - 1
Pretrain modell
#80 opened by Elvares - 1
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UncompletedJobError: Job 195 (task: 0) with path /home/sushantk/anaconda3/codeGen/data/test_dataset/log/195_0_result.pkl has not produced any output (state: FINISHED) No output/error stream produced ! Check: /home/sushantk/anaconda3/codeGen/data/test_dataset/log/195_0_log.out
#72 opened by sushantkumar007007 - 1
Problem with unrecognized argument
#70 opened by sushantkumar007007 - 3
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Script to create a new dataset?
#76 opened by CosmoLuminous - 0
pre-processing memory error
#68 opened by kimkwan93 - 1
Question for model training
#65 opened by runningmq - 2
Ablation on data size
#66 opened by yssjtu - 1
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Could CodeGen run on Windows?
#63 opened by hsiang-lee - 1
DOBF for cpp
#62 opened by Anjali-Poornima666 - 1
Question for validation and test sets
#58 opened by runningmq - 0
Reports missing after running create_tests.py
#60 opened by AlexShypula - 0
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TypeError when testing DOBF
#52 opened by SusanTan - 1
problem with transcoder
#47 opened by Maruf13 - 1
Panda error while creating Online test data
#46 opened by hxue3 - 1
How to get tokenizer for COBOL
#48 opened by KAUSTIKR - 0
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Code clustering
#45 opened by shaileshj2803