This repository reproduces the results of the paper: "Fixing the train-test resolution discrepancy" https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.06423
- 9
- 0
Difference between checkpoint models
#38 opened by JJGO - 0
question about experiments of cropsize
#37 opened by CoinCheung - 2
One question from the paper
#36 opened by huangh12 - 1
What is the shared_folder on main_finetune.py?
#35 opened by dandiasd - 1
What will happen if I only train on main_finetune.py and only load model not load pre-train model and remove all line load weights pre-train? Does it converge?
#34 opened by hung-phan-van - 2
- 1
How can I train my own different data sets
#31 opened by blyspyder - 1
- 2
How to use FixRes on custom dataset
#29 opened by mehdikhanahmadzadeh - 0
- 3
- 1
Does it also work in detecion tasks?
#27 opened by lucasjinreal - 5
question about the principle of the method
#25 opened by CoinCheung - 1
A question about your update at Aug 17.
#24 opened by KoalaSheep - 2
Pretrained weights for EfficientNet
#21 opened by bkj - 7
Scripts to Finetune EfficientNet
#20 opened by D-X-Y - 1
How to use the FixRes method ?
#22 opened by MTfast - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
About Model FLOPs
#16 opened by Z7zuqer - 5
Is this git only for distribute processing?
#8 opened by Esaada - 1
- 2
Trained weights
#14 opened by khoshsirat - 1
How to save models?
#12 opened - 1
- 1
About formula (1) in the Paper
#10 opened by BluebirdStory - 1
Model.eval() while training
#9 opened by Esaada - 4
how to train FixResNeXt-101 32x48d ?
#7 opened by iot-hunter - 1
- 0
formulation problem in 3.1.2
#5 opened by valencebond - 2
Slight discrepancy in accuracy numbers
#4 opened by rtaori - 1
Parametric Frechet model
#3 opened by amirhfarzaneh - 2
Mutilabel support
#1 opened by DecentMakeover