
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

droplet-lab opened this issue · 1 comments


I am trying out your tool but am running into the same error, randomly after >400 epochs. Would you let me know if you have an idea what s going on?

Thanks a lot,

python3 main.py --dset data --path data/ --batchsize -1 --cuda 0 --knn 15 --gamma 2.0 --sigma 1.0 --pca 20 --labels 1 --mode features --debugplot 10
Computing laplacian...
Laplacian computed in 0.01 sec
Computing RFA...
RFA computed in 0.00 sec
batchsize = 20
Starting training...
loss: 0.29734: 10%|██▍ | 476/5000 [00:32<04:57, 15.20it/s]
Stopped at epoch 480
PM computed in 32.75 sec
loss = 2.973e-01
time = 0.548 min
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 207, in
root_hat = poincare_root(opt, labels, features)
File "/path/model.py", line 40, in poincare_root
return head_idx[0]
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
loss: 0.29734: 10%|██▍ | 476/5000 [00:33<05:16, 14.31it/s]

Hi, Jo! Thank you very much for your comment! This was happening, because the root node for the rotation was not found in the labels. I added this case for the code now. If you know with respect to which node you want to rotate the disk (to place this node in the center), you can --root root_node_name. The root_node_name should be present in labels.

Closed issue with commit 07d3049