
Repo for ICML'23 paper SurCo Learning Linear Surrogates For Combinatorial Nonlinear Optimization Problems

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Codebase for SurCo: Learning Linear SURrogates for COmbinatorial Nonlinear Optimization Problems

by Aaron Ferber, Taoan Huang, Daochen Zha, Martin Schubert, Benoit Steiner, Bistra Dilkina, and Yuandong Tian

project page: https://sites.google.com/usc.edu/surco/

ICML link: https://icml.cc/virtual/2023/poster/24312

Installation instructions

Each setting has its own installation instructions and requirements.

Clone the repository

git clone 
cd surco

Install dependencies

conda env create -n surco -f environment.yml
conda activate surco

For Table Sharding: install FBGEMM

Follow the instructions in https://github.com/pytorch/FBGEMM to install the embedding operators

If you are using a100 or v100 gpus you might be able to install with pip

pip install fbgemm_gpu

Run experiments

Nonlinear Shortest Path

Run the experiments from the surco/nonlinear_shortest_path directory.

cd nonlinear_shortest_path
python -m solve_surco.py --approach surco-zero
python -m solve_surco.py --approach mean-variance
python -m solve_surco.py --approach scip

Results are written to surco/nonlinear_shortest_path/results.

Table Sharding

Run experiments from the table_sharding directory

cd table_sharding

Step 1: Download DLRM dataset

Download the data with git lfs at https://github.com/facebookresearch/dlrm_datasets. If needed, install git lfs following instructions here: https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs#installing. You can most likely install using conda

conda install -c conda-forge git-lfs
git lfs install

Clone the repository and download the data

git lfs clone git@github.com:facebookresearch/dlrm_datasets.git

Decompress data files, e.g. on linux

gunzip dlrm_datasets/embedding_bag/*/*.pt.gz

Step 2: Process the dataset

(EMBEDDING=fbgemm_t856_bs65536 && python tools/gen_dlrm_data.py --data dlrm_datasets/embedding_bag/2021/$EMBEDDING.pt --out-dir processed_data/dlrm_datasets/$EMBEDDING)

Note that you need to change --data argument to the path where you downloaded DLRM dataset.

Step 3: Generate training and testing tasks

(EMBEDDING=fbgemm_t856_bs65536 && NUM_TABLES=50 && python tools/gen_tasks.py --T $NUM_TABLES --data-dir=processed_data/dlrm_datasets/$EMBEDDING --out-dir processed_data/dlrm_tasks_$NUM_TABLES/$EMBEDDING)

The argument --T specifies the number of tables, and --out-dir indicates the output directory.

Note, you can loop from 10 to 60 to create a couple of instances using

for NUM_TABLES in {10..60..10}
    (EMBEDDING=fbgemm_t856_bs65536 && python tools/gen_tasks.py --T $NUM_TABLES --data-dir=processed_data/dlrm_datasets/$EMBEDDING --out-dir processed_data/dlrm_tasks_$NUM_TABLES/$EMBEDDING)

Step 4: Train DreamShard

(EMBEDDING=fbgemm_t856_bs65536 && NUM_TABLES=50 && python train.py --task-path processed_data/dlrm_tasks_$NUM_TABLES/$EMBEDDING/train.txt --gpu-devices 0,1,2,3 --max-memory 5 --out-dir models/dreamshard_$NUM_TABLES/$EMBEDDING)

Note that you need to specify --gpu-devices and --max-memory based on your GPU setup. You also need to specify --task-path. --out-dir indicates where the trained model will be saved.

Step 5: Evaluate DreamShard and baselines

(EMBEDDING=fbgemm_t856_bs65536 && NUM_TABLES=50 && python eval.py --task-path processed_data/dlrm_tasks_$NUM_TABLES/$EMBEDDING/test.txt --gpu-devices 0,1,2,3 --max-memory 5 --alg=dreamshard --model=models/dreamshard_$NUM_TABLES/$EMBEDDING/rl_9.pt)

Not that you need to specify --gpu-devices and --max-memory based on your GPU. You also need to specify --task-path. --alg points to the saved model. Here 9.pt is the final saved model because we train 10 iterations and save the model after each iteration.

To obtain the results of the baselines, simply change --alg to random, dim_greedy, lookup_greedy, size_greedy, or size_lookup_greedy.

Inverse Photonics

Run the experiments from the surco/table_sharding directory.

cd table_sharding
python -m solve_surco.py --approach surco-zero
python -m solve_surco.py --approach mean-variance
python -m solve_surco.py --approach scip

Results are written to surco/nonlinear_shortest_path/results.


The project is under CC BY-NC 4.0. Please check LICENSE file for details.