- 3
Running issues of d_hat < 0
#42 opened by zhujiem - 2
TypeError: DAdaptLion.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'decouple'
#41 opened by DarkAlchy - 3
- 0 Shouldn't it be Ak+1 here?
#38 opened by lu-minous - 6
Dadapt Lion feedback
#35 opened by Goldenkoron - 3
Any chance TF version will be realeased?
#17 opened by georgeYanch - 15
Support for Dylora
#24 opened by sdbds - 2
Learning rates
#29 opened by RealBeyondMaster - 1
Higher momery usage when using DAdaptAdam
#36 opened by mrembalski - 1
Small mistakes in DAdaptLion class
#33 opened by pamparamm - 0
Exception in Lion optimizer
#30 opened by tjennings - 7
Add Lion with d-adaptation
#20 opened by nviwch - 5
Steps per Epoc in Sample images?
#25 opened by DarksealStudios - 3
Complex number not supported for max() operation
#15 opened by jinyi12 - 2
First inequality on page 3 derivation?
#18 opened by mega-optimus - 1
- 4
- 2
- 3
Import Error
#8 opened by stefanwezel - 1
- 5
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
#4 opened by egorsmkv - 2
Pip package or official PyTorch integration?
#2 opened by TKassis - 1
missing gsq_weighted in dadapt_sgd
#1 opened by mortadhaaj