PyTorch implementation of MoCo v3 https//arxiv.org/abs/2104.02057
- alexandonianMIT CSAIL
- book-book24Beijing Institute of Technology
- ChenyangLEIHKUST
- endernewtonMeta
- EpiphqnyThe University of Hong Kong
- eugenelawrence
- FingerRecPHD Student, Show Lab, NUS
- fly51flyPRIS
- ggsonic
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- guanfuchenZhejiang University
- hyaihjq
- iCGY96Peking University
- JackSnowWolfColumbia University
- jojo23333
- justimyhxuStanford University; The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Zhejiang University
- L1aoXingyuBeijing, China
- limbo0000Chinese University of Hong Kong
- LooperXXHarbin Institute of Technology
- lxtGHBytedance
- nzw0301Preferred Networks, Inc. / Preferred Elements, Inc.
- onlyonewater
- oopsnoUniversity of Unknown
- owlwangACRCloud
- phalanx-hkJapan
- poodarchuMMLab@CUHK
- qymao
- rentainheIDEA
- roger1993Hong Kong
- s9xieCourant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
- ShihuaHuang95
- shufangxunShanghai Jiao Tong University
- Siddharth-Shrivastava7IIT Hyderabad
- Wuziyi616@uoft-isl
- xingyizhouGoogle
- yangxue0827Researcher@PJLab, PhD@SJTU