
[Dataset] [ASE] - Plotting 3D colored depth map

AnarchistKnight opened this issue · 6 comments

Good day.

I tried to reconstruct a ASE scene and failed. I guess I might miss something when computing the camera pose matrix or when converting depth to z. My workflow is as follows:

  1. Scene 8 from ASE dataset is used.
  2. The rgb and depth images are rectified, as example shown in projectaria_tools/core/examples/dataprovider_quickstart_tutorial.ipynb. I finally got images of 512x512 size and they look right. The left is the original and the right is the undistorted.


  1. Depth is converted to z using the function below.

# fx = 150, fy = 150, cx = 256, cy = 256
def convert_depth_to_z(fx, fy, cx, cy, depth_image_path):
    depth_image = cv2.imread(depth_image_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

    constant_x = 1 / fx
    constant_y = 1 / fy

    vs = np.array([(v - cx) * constant_x for v in range(0, depth_image.shape[1])])
    us = np.array([(u - cy) * constant_y for u in range(0, depth_image.shape[0])])

    z_image = np.square(depth_image / CORRECTION_PARAM)
    scale = 1 + np.square(vs[np.newaxis, :]) + np.square(us[:, np.newaxis])
    z_image = np.sqrt(z_image / scale) * CORRECTION_PARAM
    return z_image.astype(np.uint16)
  1. The camera_to_world matrix is computed using this function
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

def c2w(tx, ty, tz, qx, qy, qz, qw):
    quaternion = [qx, qy, qz, qw]
    rotation = Rotation.from_quat(quaternion)
    rotation_matrix = rotation.as_matrix()
    camera_pose_matrix = to_homo(rotation_matrix)
    camera_pose_matrix[0][3] = tx
    camera_pose_matrix[1][3] = ty
    camera_pose_matrix[2][3] = tz
    return camera_pose_matrix
  1. I used open3d to try to reconstruct the scene. The result for single frame at 0 looks correct.


  1. The result for single frame at 18 looks wrong. The camera trajectory goes into the wall.


  1. The reconstruction for multple frames 82-92 looks a bit corrupted, difference frames do not match to each other.


  1. The reconstruction for the whole sequence looks a mess.


Solved. Hope this issue would help people in the future.

I notice code here

def build_camera_frustum(transform_world_device):
    points = (
            [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 1], [-0.5, 0.5, 1], [-0.5, -0.5, 1], [0.5, -0.5, 1]]
        * 0.6
    transform_world_rgb = transform_world_device @ T_device_RGB
    points_transformed = transform_world_rgb @ points.transpose()
    return go.Mesh3d(
        x=points_transformed[0, :],
        y=points_transformed[1, :],
        z=points_transformed[2, :],
        i=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1],
        j=[1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3],
        k=[2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4],
        intensity=points[:, 2],

I print out T_device_RGB and get

SE3 (quaternion(w,x,y,z), translation (x,y,z)) (x1)
[[0.9431408157221322, 0.3288729608045007, 0.02765579379254213, 0.03953649504415866, -0.004247214591779491, -0.01209833440626544, -0.005054953042539318]]

The I make the following modifications

def get_default_device_matrix():
    qw = 0.9431408157221322
    qx = 0.3288729608045007
    qy = 0.02765579379254213
    qz = 0.03953649504415866
    tx = -0.004247214591779491
    ty = -0.01209833440626544
    tz = -0.005054953042539318
    return c2w(tx, ty, tz, qx, qy, qz, qw)

c2w_matrix = c2w(tx, ty, tz, qx, qy, qz, qw) @ get_default_device_matrix()

Finally, it works.


@AnarchistKnight Happy to hear that you found a solution to your problem and thank you for sharing your code, so anyone can rely on your solution if they have the same problem

@AnarchistKnight Thanks for kindly sharing information! Could you please share your full script or the code for undistortion? I am also working on this but have been getting poor results. I suspect it might be because I used a different method for undistortion (#11). Thank you very much!

@AnarchistKnight Thanks for kindly sharing information! Could you please share your full script or the code for undistortion? I am also working on this but have been getting poor results. I suspect it might be because I used a different method for undistortion (#11). Thank you very much!

search "undistort an image" in this and you would get the answer

@AnarchistKnight Thanks for kindly sharing information! Could you please share your full script or the code for undistortion? I am also working on this but have been getting poor results. I suspect it might be because I used a different method for undistortion (#11). Thank you very much!


@AnarchistKnight Yes, thank you!