Code release for the paper “Worldsheet Wrapping the World in a 3D Sheet for View Synthesis from a Single Image”, ICCV 2021.
Jupyter NotebookNOASSERTION
- amadeuzou
- andruekonstRussia, Saint-Petersburg
- brunotech
- daveredrumHuawei Noah's Ark Lab
- fly51flyPRIS
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- hangg7BAIR, UC Berkeley
- JeffWesselschmidt
- jinczing
- junedgarustc
- leos-codebeijing
- lichenguncFacebook AI
- LilianBordeau
- LiuXinqi12
- mmsyslee
- pangyyyyy
- Pseudopode
- puhsuHSE, @yandex-research
- rayleizhuHong Kong
- SebasKoel
- sergeyprokudinETH Zürich
- shuiyuejihua
- SlavaElizarovGermany
- sponnusa
- sulaiman0521
- Sylvia6
- synctax
- TahaKJ
- tding1Microsoft
- ThreedvUNIST
- TsingularityGoogle DeepMind
- tuttelikzCuriosis
- wutong16PhD student@MMLab, CUHK
- youyuge34Alibaba Group
- yunhan-zhaoUniversity of California, Irvine
- Yurri-hubZhejiang University