Managed Instance Group Terraform Module
Modular Google Compute Engine managed instance group for Terraform.
data "template_file" "php-startup-script" {
template = "${file("${format("%s/../scripts/", path.module)}")}"
vars {
module "mig1" {
source = "GoogleCloudPlatform/managed-instance-group/google#v1.1.7"
version = "1.1.7"
region = "${var.region}"
zone = "${}"
name = "group1"
size = 2
service_port = 80
service_port_name = "http"
target_pools = ["${module.gce-lb-fr.target_pool}"]
target_tags = ["allow-service1"]
startup_script = "${data.template_file.php-startup-script.rendered}"
ssh_source_ranges = [""]
NOTE: Make sure you are using version pinning to avoid unexpected changes when the module is updated.
Resources created
: The instance template assigned to the instance group.google_compute_instance_group_manager.default
: The instange group manager that uses the instance template and target pools.google_compute_firewall.default-ssh
: Firewall rule to allow ssh access to the instances.