
A desktop in your browser! (part of my old project uploads)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Test it out


You need dpmjs, the desktopjs package manager, in order to install desktop.js apps. To install it, do the following:

git clone https://github.com/facekapow/dpm.git
cd dpm
sudo npm install -g ./
cd ..


Note: you must have root privileges (su, sudo, etc...) to run this (it uses port 80)

Run it

Clone the repo, cd into it and:

bower update
npm install
# done with desktopjs deps, now let's install some apps
mkdir apps
dpm install files
dpm install edit
dpm install image
dpm install term
# now let's actually start the desktop
sudo node backend.js # for node
# OR
sudo iojs backend.js # for iojs

Then open up your browser (desktopjs has only been tested with Google Chrome, so if you're not using Google Chrome, don't complain if it doesn't work) and go to localhost.

Some info

desktop.js uses Express.js to create an http server and serve a desktop to the user via the browser, and uses socket.io for speedy frontend-to-backend communication. Honestly, the frontend looks crappy and needs some work, but i'll improve it by the end of this year.