
Your personal Pandora server! (part of my old project uploads)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Your personal Pandora server!


# add `sudo` if needed
npm install -g jamdora

First-time configuration

# add `sudo` if needed
jamdora adduser username password

Replace username and password with your values.


# add `sudo` if needed, because the
# default is to listen on port 80 (HTTP)
# or port 443 (HTTPS)
# -w is to serve a web front end at "/"

# http
jamdora serve http -P path_to_playlist [-w]

# https
jamdora serve https -P path_to_playlist -k key -c cert [-w]

Replace path_to_playlist with the (full or relative) path to the playlist. For HTTPS, replace key with the path to your key file, and cert with the path to your certificate file.

Generating a Playlist

A playlist can be generated from a folder with the jamdora generate command:

jamdora generate path_to_folder [output_filename]

Replace path_to_folder with the path to the folder containing the music you want to be in the playlist, and replace output_filename with the output filename you want. By default, the output filename is "playlist.json".